
Monday, August 28, 2006

Completing the "8"

This morning I awoke to a nice cool, dreay, misty morning. Bet you guys in Dallas would kill for that!!! Time to head down to breakfast, then back to the room and check carry on luggage restrictions out of Heathrow. I also had to check again on how to get to the hotel in London. All that done, to the showers to get ready for check out and head on out to the Brussels Midi train station and hopefully change my reservations from the 2:58 train to the 12:30...might as well get on to London so I can rearrange all the luggage, hopefully get a piece of dry ice for the chocolate, and settle in for the last two nights in Europe.

Made it to the Midi station and checked in at Eurostar...can you believe it, the 12:30 train is SOLD OUT, so here I sit in the lounge till 2:58. Oh well, I stopped by a Belgian hot spot...Hagn Daz and had a...yep...Belgian Waffel, still trying to spend that last 5 euro. I thought the kid said 5.50 so said OK...well it was 3.50 with coffee, so still have 2 euro in my pocket. I figured I'd take this extra time in the lounge to update the blog a bit and put all my euro in one pocket and break out the left over pounds from the fanny pack and put them in the other pocket so I'd be ready for Waterloo!! ;-)

When the driver let us off at this station I thought..."hmmm, really nice station", I walked in and people everywhere. Three rows of shops up and down the esplanade with escalators up and down from either side of the main pedestrian walkway. I spotted the Eurostar area right off then visited the rest of the terminal...plenty of time you know. So I decided to walk all the way to the other end and see what was there..w e l l....what a difference a door makes. The city of Brussels should close the other end's exit to tourists. That is the end I went out when I got here...I was in this SAME station and had NO idea. Out that end the street is dirty, buildings run down, panhandlers sitting on the street...no wonder I had a hard time finding a taxi...finally in a tunnel, and the only one there.

On THIS end there is a nice plaze out the door, new office building across the plaza, "Taxi Stewards" directing taxis in a circular drive and people lined up to get a taxi. I tell you what, depends on what directions you take in life as to what your destination looks like!!!

Ok, well more later after I get to London, just sitting here and wanted to pass all this along. I'm not sure we got a picture of Eurostar when we arrived but will make sure I get one from this side of the tunnel.

Well when we first got on Eurostar I thought it was great, but to tell the truth, after riding all the other Euro trains (well except for Trans Balkan Express) the eurostar is the bottom of the barrel, except maybe for speed and going UNDER the channel. But DAMN it is crowded. Small seats compared to the leather recliners you get on the ICE trains and most of the other Euro trains. It was packed thought…elbow to elbow, but finally made it to Waterloo…then went to ask a taxi the fare to Heathrow….50 euro…that is $100, well I went to the underground and asked for directions to Heathrow and for 5 euro I took the Jubilee line to Green Station and connected with Piccadilly to Heathrow…from there got the Hoppa bus to the hotel for 4 E…total of 9 euro. But was 7 pm by the time I got here…so to the bar for a beer. I looked at their menu…10 euro for a small pizza ($20)…so I took off walking.

About six blocks down the street I found a little place called The White Horse…a little pub built In the 1500’s. The windows have all been bricked in because from the 1600’s to sometime in 1800 (1851 I think) there was a “window” tax, so they bricked’em in!!!! ;-)

Anyway, sure wish I’d taken my camera. The ceilings were about 5’10” high, the door about the same. I ordered fish’n chips…was great. Chatted with a guy named Brian that seemed to be “THE” guy in the bar. He knew everyone that came in. He said he stayed at the same hotel I’m at (Thistle) a couple of years ago and also stumbled onto The White Horse…now He’s paying a mortgage down the street and his girlfriend Kathrine (I met her too) lived right on the corner. Very nice people and made the dinner and beer very enjoyable.

After that…headed back to the hotel..watching all the people drive on the wrong side of the road!!! Gonna have a cup of coffee and hit the sack. Traveling makes you sleepy…sometime!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Up by 6:30....

Up by 6:30 this morning and took the laptop down to the breakfast room to check world affairs. Nothing changed, so had a couple cups of coffee and checked email...seems Joe is having a rough time with the house...watering, pool, cat...whole nine yards, but will be there soon, just hope for some rain.

I had breakfast before I came back up to the room, then showered and checked out the tour situation. Worked out pretty good, they picked up at the hotel so I didn't have to work my way through the Algerian refugees to get there. Took the tour of Brussels and it was hosted by a lady named Jasmine, she spoke all the languages and had to the whole tour cause they coulnd't use the recorded version today due to a marathon race being run in Brussels today. We walked the Grand Plaze and I took LOTS of pictures. We then boarded the bus for 'outter' Brussels. There were four Spanish people on the bus..reason I know is because as soon as the first couple (older couple) got on they kept saying "Espanol??" Well the driver didn't say anything...finally they learned that Jasmine DID speak Espanol as well. The younger couple never said anything...but remember them.

Once we got away from the Grand Plaza and the "Pee Boy", there really wasn't much of Brussels....saw the sight of the 34 and 58 world's fairs, the Kings Palace, and a bunch of other Dallas Like buildings...so I coulda just stayed in the Grand Plaza and been happy. Well there was St Christophers Cathedral....but after all the cities I'd already seen more cathedrals than I'd been to all my life...so no pics of that. It was nice though.

I did learn that the French burned Brussels to the ground (well 3000 buildings of it) in 1699, the ONLY part that survived was the Grand Plaze, that's why it is SO beautiful and different from the rest of the city. I tell you what, between the French, Turks, and Christians it's a wonder there's anything left of Europe!!!

It started to rain on the tour...but no problem we were in an enclosed bus. As soon as the tour was over I headed to a little bar just off the Grand Plaza to have a beer and get the name of a place for dinner. While there I visited with a couple of guys, one had lived in Australia for years, finally back to Belgium (about 70 yrs old) and another 47 yo that has a twin sister married to a guy in Colorado....LOL. Well while visiting with those two, who walks in but the younger couple from the tour. I went over and said "English", he replied "little". So I asked how he liked the tour and got the impression he liked it about as much as I did. So I said "nice to meet you" and shook hands with both he and his wife. Anyway the bartender told me to go to a restaurant called Kelderken on the plaza. So after a couple of beers I headed that way.

It is a small restaurant in the basement of one of the old buildinjgs...pics if I can publish them...and I was told to order Waterzooi, which I did. Was pretty good. A Belgian Chicken dish. Well while I was eating, who should walk in but the Spanish couple!!! They waved and said "hi", then as I left I told them good bye and have a good trip.

From there I walked down some of the side streets, ran across a Greek street...all the shops and restaurants on this street were Greek...thought I was back in Athens. Then I went around the corner to a chocolate shop and got some chocolates to bring home...I mean go to Belgium and not get chocolate!!! I'm sure they'll look like a hershey bar by the time I get them out of DFW...but had to take a chance.

Then did a little more shopping cause you know I have this last 20 euro that's burning a hole in my pocket, and they sure don't use that cheap money in London...no sir, ONLY the pound and sterling!!!

Well all loaded down I waited for the hotel bus to catch a ride back to the hotel and catch ya'll up on the blog. Oh, by the way. Pictures were finally added to some of the earlier blogs...Venice, Vienna, and Athens, so check'em out if you get a chance.

Oh, and the pics I took today were ALL bad...don't know what happened, looked like the autofocus wasn't working. Only after I changed batteries did any of the pics come out good, so will try to publish a couple of those if the connection is good in the morning, if not will try to update them once I get to London.

Frankfurt to Brussels

Up early to complete the last of my 24 hour net connection, then down to that beautiful breakfast. This morning was eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, plum jelly, potatoes, tomatoes, and coffee. Then back to the room to finish charging all my batteries. Even got the razor to work a bit and trimmed those damn sideburns..but still look like whoever that cartoon character is with the hair standing up on top. Oh well, less than a week now and I can get it all done on 110 volts!!!

After charging everything and drinking the last of my complimentary mini bar I got the bags all packed, back pack on and headed down to check out from my one night stay in Frankfurt. I always try to be a little bit early, but just didn't realize how close to the train station I was...so by the time I checked out and walked across the street I was at the train station by 10:30, my train was scheduled to leave at noon. I stopped in the Tabac shop and shopped for those "Feminine" cigarettes some more but instead found some "east German" cigarettes for the boys. Those stashed and a Bounty for me (the German Mounds) I headed out to check the schedule and make sure my train was on time. Sure'nuff it was ( surprised????) I headed out to track no. 19 and to my surprise it was that ICE train! Damn, Now I've ridden every train in Europe except the Thalyss and the Orient Express...but I DID see the Thalyss when I arrived in Brussels, and The Orient Express was in Budapest when I left there...so I've either ridden them or seen them!!!

This ICE train was EVERYTHING it advertised to be...check out the pics!!! NICE, and again leather reclining seats with electrical outlets for the lap top, refreshments, and CLEAN John's!!!! We left Frankfurt 6 minutes late...don't remember the reason, but as soon as we pulled out I plugged in the laptop to play some serious solataire. Now and then I would see some scenery flashing by the window and think "I need a picture of that"...but if I have it, I'll show you my success in getting the pictures I wanted. Seems like everytime I'd get the camera out, turned on, focused, and aimed...we'd either be in a tunnel or behind trees. I finally gave up on getting any pictures and just decided to enjoy what I could see and play my game.

I was Still amazed by the Frankfurt am Main Station....they have over 1000 trains daily on over 20 tracks. It was just amazing. I tried to get a couple of pics of the station itself on the inside and of the departure board just as MY train flashed up. Hope they come out so I can publish them for you.

Anyway, we arrived in Brussels slightly behind schedule..only because we left late, and because we had to wait a couple of minutes for a train going the other direction. It was evident when we arrived to Belgium...the towns took on a completely different look than the villages in Germany. Again I tried to capture the look but was thwarted by tunnels or trees.

I did manage to get a couple of pics as we pulled into Brussels, then into the main station in Brussels. I gathered my stuff and headed for the taxis...where EVER they were. I walked and walked, turned around and walked the other way and FINALLY found a taxi. I asked how much this time, he said 10 euro to my hotel, so off I went. I tell you what, my first impression of Brussels was NOT good. Outside the train station..well inside too...were SO many blacks, middle eastern's, and "bats" (in robes, face covered). The taxi headed toward my hotel and boy was I disappointed...it was in the Algerian sectin of town I guess...all black, and the Algerian support agency across the street.

I decided right then I'd had enough of Brussels. I went to the lobby (that's the only place to get internet conection) and checked email, then back to the room. Then I thought what the hell, I walked outside and up and down the street a couple of blocks...didn't change my preception much. But then I noticed they had a courtesy van to the Grand Place that left at 6pm, with pickups at 9, 10, and 11 to bring you back. I thought that was a great way to get OUT of this neighborhood...not that I expected downtown to be much better.

Once I got there and they dropped me off it was PACKED with people, and I had NO IDEA where the Grand Place was...so just started walking, taking note of every turn so I could get back to the pick up point. I'd never SEEN so many Asians, Iranians, Iraqies, Indians, Algerians, Nigerians...you name it. But that's alright, I kept walking. I finally ran across a little bar, had a beer, and struck up a conversation with the guy next to me...Stephen. He is from Belgium, speaks Dutch (which most do, but a lot of French as well) and english. So I asked where I was, where to go, and where to eat. He told me all three so I took off again. Well the first thing I saw was a Belgian Chocolate shop...well I HAD to have some of that, so I bought ONE piece of chocolate.....0.28Euro...was DELICIOUS!!! Then next door was the Belgian equivelant to gelato...they had white chocolate...UM-UM GOOD!!!!

Well on down the street and finally ran into the Grand Place...OH MY GOD!!! It is BEAUTIFUL. I didn't take the camera, but will certainly get pictures tomorrow. The buildings were just EXQUISITE!!!! (That means beyond compare) The place was packed but I couldn't keep from gawking at all the buildings in the square, and down every side street. Damn...I needed my photographer to capture this in it's finest detail, but alas I am left to do the best I can tomorrow!!!

Well I walked and looked for a couple of hours with every intention of going to a restaurant Stephan had recommended, but never made it. I stopped for another beer at some corner place then finally stopped at the Mc Donald's (can you believe it) and had a hamburger so I wouldn't miss the next hotel pickup.

I finally caught the 10 o'clock pickup back to the hotel and once here stopped at a little store a couple of doors down and got a coke to bring up to the room and report to ya'll.

Plans are tomorrow to take the city tour...not that I really wanted to when I first got here, but now I do...see the highlights, then leave that and take plenty of pictures downtown and visit more of the shops. You just can't believe how GORGEOUS this square is...and tomorrow they are having some sort of marathon..so I'm sure it will be packed again. But another white chocolate gelato and I won't care...plus I want to make that restaurant for some Belgian cusine!!!!

Well connection was much too slow to upload pics...tried but gave up.

Check in later for BEAUTIFUL pics of Brussels!!!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

The River Rhine

I don't know what time it was, but it was after midnight. I was still curled up on the bottom bunk (remember I was assigned the top) when the door opened and some heavy person came in (I think it was a guy), then a bag was placed on the bed I was sleeping and two girls came in. One leaned over and I looked at her as asked "is this yours?". She said it was and asked which one I was assigned, I pointed to the top and she said "No Problem" and she just climbed up to the top bunk and let me rest in the bottom one. By this time the person in the middle bunk had settled in and the new girl in the bottom bunk across was making her bed. As soon as she climbed in she commenced to undress under the covers and next time I opened my eyes she was sitting on the side of the bunk in PJ's....hmmm, interesting night, but I just turned over and obviously went to sleep with NO problem.

Next thing I remember was that the train wasn't moving, but I didn't see any light, so assumed we were stopped at another stop. I lay there a while, then decided maybe I'd better check and see if it was time to get up for breakfast on the train...DAMN, it was 6 am and we were scheduled in Frankfurt at 5:57...I jumped up and looked out the window and sure 'nuff we were sitting the Frankfurt Am Main Banhoff...the only thing going through my mind was the day the door closed in Berlin and John was banging on the door to get in...I just KNEW I wasn't going to get off that damn train before it pulled out again. I hurriedly grabbed my bags from under the bunk and rushed to the door. I made it off (damn it was CHILLY) and sleepily walked down the length of the train to the main station.

I still didn't feel like I had everything with me because I had no time to check...so I stopped, checked all bags and pockets for important things...I had NO change in my pocket, but did have the bills, no way I was going back on that train to check for a couple of lost Euro's...so stumbled on toward the station. I glanced at a couple of the shops then headed for the "Ausfhart"...once outside it was a bit misty and cool. I knew the hotel I was staying in was supposed to be very close so I crossed the street...well I was right in front of the hotel, so decided to go in and see if there was ANY chance to check in.

I went to the desk and the guy said "Check in time is 2 pm"...I said "I realize that, but I DID put on my reservation that I would be arriving early so I was just checking". He said check back and I said "When, noon?". He looked at the computer and said "I have a smoking room available now"....I said "I'll take it!!". That worked out great, not only did I get in the room a little after 6 but breakfast started at 6 so I went right down stairs and had a super breakfast. Then it was back to the room to get the internet set up and catch up. Then showered, shaved, and headed across the street around 11 to book a Rhine River trip combined with a Frankfurt that started at 1...well they had a river cruise starting right then which included wine tasting, lunch, and the river castle trip. He said I could take the Frankfurt tour when I got back at 7 pm.....SOLD!!!

Well I jumped right on the bus and we headed through downtown Frankfurt...much like Dallas...and on out to the Rhine River. We stopped at one of the many villages along the way for lunch. Being a loner I was seated with three other people at lunch. We of course introduced ourselves and had a nice conversation. It was Dick and his wife Irene and their niece Katie. Katie lives in Frankfurt and they were here visiting. They asked all about me and my travels and of course I had to get in a jab about "W", not knowing how they would take it. Not completely surprised, they agreed. Dick said "well being from Berkley, California, you know how our political views lie!!". Well that broke the ice, they bought me a beer and we continued on out to the boat. It was a bit cool and of course I'm still wearing my birthday shorts and shirts!!!! We headed down the river past many other small quaint German villages and castles. We were on the top deck...out in the open. It started to rain pretty good so we all went below till it stopped.

By now I had seen all the castles and was ready to head back to the bus...which we soon did. Then we stopped for wine tasting at one of the wineries....well THEY called it a taste, I called it less than a sip...needless to say I didn't buy any of the wine or have any shipped back home. Next stop was an open air lift up a mountain...which I chose not to take, instead I walked the streets of the small village on the banks of the Rhine at the bast of the mountains. I wandered off the main street to a small pub and ordered a German beer in a stein served by the Italian waiter!!! Was GREAT. Then down a couple of the small streets looking, then headed back to the bus for the ride back to the city.

Once back I cancelled the city portion of the tour and walked across the street to the hotel. I decided before I came up to the room to walk around the neighborhood and found a 'kebab' place and picked up a GREAT kebab and a couple of beers and headed back to the room to update all of you guys and publish some pics as well.

That's it for me for the night...up early in the morning and get ready for Brussels.

Is anyone still reading??? I don't ever see any more comments...oh well, I'll keep writing, you NEVER know.

Last morning

Last morning in Budapest and started as usual, breakfast in that great dining room and that huge selection. After that it was time to return to the room, shower, repack, and check last minute emails before heading to the train station for a 1pm departure.

I got checked out at the desk...must have been a young trainee, took him for ever to add up my bar bill!!! Well, not at the bar but from the minibar in the room...you know, orange juice, coke, etc...anyway he finally got it tallyed and I asked how much a cab to the trainstation should cost.... 2600 he said. Funny, cost me over 6000 to get FROM the train station to the hotel.

Oh well, out the door and into my Mercedes and off to the train station. Got there about 11am..little early I know, but I'd much rather be early than chasing one of those German trains down the tracks. I TOOK my bags from the driver and headed into the station to check with the Euro ticket office to confirm I didn't need to confirm seats on this train...confirmed!!!

Off to the tracks..eyes ever watching for those pickpockets they warn you about. I strolled along the shops by the tracks just dying to spend the last 6000 I had in my pocket...nothing but girly magazines and Hungarian books...so with those bills burning a hole in my pocket I purchased a beer to have while I enjoyed one of my favorite pastimes....watching people.

I realized as I stood there leaning against the wall that this must be a learned trait from my parents...our pastime in the metropolis of Anadarko was going downtown on Saturday night, parking the car...all three of us in the front seat when we had the '42 Olds coupe one seater, or me in the back when we got the new '50 Ford station wagon (Woody)...and watching people walk up and down the street. Now and then we'd get out, go to TG&Y and get some candy, then right back to the car for more watching!!! Anyway I spent the next hour watching people come and go on the 10 or so arrivals and departures every hour.

By now MY train came up on the board...#62 to Vienna for a four hour layover to Frankfurt. I walked down to track # 5 and waited for boarding time, then into my FIRST CLASS, full sized, black leather reclining seat and was ready to enjoy the scenery enroute to Austria. First the Hungarian police...a little later the Austrian police...all checking passports, then into Vienna.

I wasn't really looking forward to spending four hours at Subanhof, the train station we were last at in Vienna, but then figured what the heck..only four hours. Much too soon we were pulling into the station...but wait, this was NOT the station I was at last time..this was the OTHER station in Vienna...West Banhof. WOW, much nicer station. Very clean...working escalators, lots of shops and even internet cafe...so of course I looked for a place to stow the bags and headed for the internet cafe to have a latte and an hour of catching up.

As soon as my hour expired and I had been informed that what Karen REALLY wanted from Europe was some European cigarettes, I headed for the nearest Tabac shop and found some...not the right ones I'm sure..but nevertheless they are stowed in my bag now. I then went and had a kebab at one of the station shops and a cold beer. VERY GOOD.

I checked the boards to see that "The City Train", #312, was scheduled out on time from track #1, so I took a little stroll outside the station to see what this part of Vienna looked like. Much the same as the rest...lots of traffic. Bikers, skaters, walkers, runners, taxis, buses, street cars, cars...well you name it. And downstairs was the metro...people coming and going everywhere. I walked down the street a ways, then back to the station to retrieve my bags and head out to Track 1 and ready to board "The City Train".

Once on board (I was assigned #26) I found my spot and stood there waiting for all to come aboard to see if I was alone. Not so lucky this time...in walks a freulein in tight jeans, stilletos and starts speaking German...."sorry?". She said she would climb up and fix her bunk...she was on top on the left, me on top on the right. Hmmm..wasn't so sure about that, so I just stood around outside the door for a while till the train started moving, then went in and layed down on the bottom bunk on the right...we were the only two there. Soon the conductors came by and took our tickets and...speaking German or Austrain..handed each of us a piece of paper (in German) and said something. "Sorry????"...the female conductor said in very good english...."Oh, this is your voucher for free breakfast in the morning, starts at 4am and I'll wake you before we get to Frankfurt". Wow, great....free breakfast and free wake up.

Feeling secure (her on top and me on bottom) I shut the door and curled up on the bottom bunk and was soon lulled to sleep by the clickety clack of the train!!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Last full day in Budapest

Last full day in Budapest and it started off with the "obligatory" breakfast. It was GREAT again. After breakfast I stopped by the hotel desk and asked about the Boat tours of the Danube. The first one would leave at 10 am so I had time to go back to the room, pack up the camera and walk to pier 7 to catch the boat. Of course I planned to walk down the main shopping street to see what all was open and to kill time getting to the boat.

I stopped by the internet cafe for 30 minutes, stopped in a few shops, had a coke, and mailed some post cards once I found the mail box deposit. Then off to the boat. I think I walked by every pier on the Danube before I found #7, but I did find it and in plenty of time. I waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes then the 'ship ahoy' was sounded and I 'pushed' my way to the front of the line!!! ;-)

The boat looked brand new, very nice for sighseeing and the tour was again in 12 languages on headphones, and of course, playing the "Blue Danube Waltz". Just prior to pulling up anchor the three hostesses lined up at the front of the boat and welcomed everyone in all twelve languages, and seemed very fluent in doing so. It was a nice touch, then we all donned our headsets to listen to the tour in our chosen language.

I had already seen a lot of the sights but it was great seeing them unobstructed from the river. The tour also included a one hour waling tour of Margarets Island. A beautiful little island that sits between Buda and Pest in the middle of the Danube. It has a history that I'm sure I don't remember correctly, so you can google it to learn more about it. A very pretty little Island and some nice sights there, especially the old convent, a new section of which was just unearthed 3 years ago.

So after the one hour on the Island, another boat picked us up and we were on our way back to the pier 7 starting point.
Once off the boat, I headed back to Vaci St...the pedestrian shopping street a couple blocks off the river in the Pest section. Again I walked slowly down the street looking in EVERY window and again stopping by the Internet cafe for a 15 minute session...is much cheaper there, so just checked email and back out on the street. I had an ulterior motive for strolling down this street again...I just HAD to have another Nutella Gelato..this time a DOUBLE dip. Um-um GOOD!!!!

I continued my walk down Vaci street licking my nutella's and at the end of the street I just happened to see old number 49 just sitting there calling my name, so I hopped aboard for the ride back to the hotel. Once there I donned my bathrobe and headed down to the spa for a dip in the thearapudic waters. Today the steam bath was extra HOT, cold only stay in a couple of minutes then out to the cold pool...well I couldn't take that either so spent my time in the 36C and 38C pools. Then I noticed the exit to the indoor pool. My god it was BEAUTIFUL...if I knew how to get to the balcony there to take pictures I would, but it is a beautiful pool.

Once finished there I came back to the room, changed and headed out for dinner. I had planned to go back to Fatale again but decided I wanted to find something close to the hotel so I could get back and get things packed up for tomorrow morning's departure. I walked down a new adjacent street past something that must be a college, but all behind closed gates. I walked about three blocks then cut back over to the street that runs in front of the hotel and stopped at the same restaurant I was at a couple of days ago and had a Hungarian style steak. It was DELICIOUS!!!!! As I sat at one of the street tables eating and watching people go up and down the street, I realized I had never seen SO MANY white people in one place. Young, old, bikes, cars, busses, trolly's, motercycles, scooters, skate boards, and skates. Any form of transportation you can think of. One small car with two lawn mowers on top!!!

Well as you can tell, I've fallen in love with Budapest. Back in the room after dinner and updating you on my last day here I'll sign on and post this and maybe even get a couple of pictures with it. Then I'll complete packing for an early departure and will next update you from Frankfurt...or enroute. It will be an overnight train again....so may be two days, but you will get two reports.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Budapest and Patsy Cline

Well, woke up a little late this morning...either because of the after effects of the 'Train from Hell' or just the fact that I'm alone now and don't seem to have that extra push. Anyway, was up by 7, showered and headed down to the Duma Room for breakfast. MY GOD...what a spread they put on for breakfast. There was scrambled eggs, over easy, bacon, sausage, baked tomatoes with cheese (delicious), fruit, bread, sweet rolls, jams and jellies, cereals, COFFEE, and goat cheese. It was delicious and in SUCH a nice setting.

Last night I had purchased my tour of the city on the bus so after breakfast I got the camera ready (missing my photographer) and actually found that extra battery!!! I gathered my stuff and headed out to the street car stop to catch #49 downtown where the bus was to depart at 10 am for the tour. I got there a little early and walked around the square to take some pictures, look at some of the shops (and people!!), and just get a general feel for the city. I can't speak for Frankfurt or Brussels yet, but I CAN say for the cities I've been to so far, if you visit only ONE city in Europe, make it Budapest. This has to be one of the most beautiful and friendly cities I've EVER visited.

The tour went by the Broadway of Europe, the Champs de Elysse of Budapest, the Castles, churches, parliment buildings, citadel, just sight after sight. And would you believe...well let me tell you first, the tour was in 12 languages over headsets with background music with photo stops at several places. Now I won't be able to upload the pictures because the wireless connection is rather expensive and the uploads take sometime to load, so you'll just get the text till I find free connections down the road, but damn...some sights to see. Just do a Googld for Budapest and see the history and sights this city has to offer.
....now - back to "And would you believe"..just as the bus crossed the Danube of course the background music was "The Blue Danube Waltz"....enough to take your breath away.

We went up on the highest mountain top in the city, the site of the Citadel where their 'statue of Liberty' stands near a spot once occupied by the statue of Lenin. This is actually two cities...Buda on the hilly side and Pest on the flat side. They once said the ONLY good thing about the Pest side was that they had a great view of Buda!!!

The Danube is lined by bleacher seats...probably seat a million or more, just for shows they have on the river...fireworks, boat shows, etc. None of them happening while I'm here, but wish they were.

After the tour I stayed in the downtown area for lunch...of course I had Hungarian Gulash. My mom always made Gulash when I was a kid...telling us it was Hungarian...of course she'd never been to Hungary so I HAD to try it. Was nothing like hers (hers was great) but this was very good too...and of course a cold beer. After that I looked around some of the stores for special buys, then back to the trolly stop to catch #49 back to the hotel. It was then I ran into the little twin sister of Lil Girl...of course I had to stop the people and get a picture of her!!!!

Once back at the hotel I ran up to the room and decided to partake of the famous Spas in the hotell. They have one large pool at 36C, one at 38C, a VERY hot steam room, and a cool (8C) cool off pool. Was very relaxing and the hotel provides bathrobes and all for the spas and the beautiful outside pool that I have yet to take advantage of.

Back to the room to change and get ready to find a restaurant close by for dinner. I started out and it was raining, so decided to stop in the hotel bar for a drink to wait out the rain. Now can you believe this....I'm in a bar in Budapest, talking to a Hungarian bartender, listening to Patsy Cline on the juke box, and visiting with a guy from Denmark whose sister married a guy from San Antonio!!! What a great city!!!! I asked the bartender for a recommendation on a restaurant nearby and he sent me to Fatale, just across the bridge on the other side of the Danube..a 10 minute walk.

Well the rain was over, and I was out of here...heading for the recommended restaurant. I finally tracked it down. A cozy little place that sits in a basement, but very cozy. I asked the guy to recommend something 'Hungarian"...well you guessed it....Gulash again. But it was different, served with pasta of some sort and very good. But I tell you what...the plates I saw being served to the others.....WOW!!! I'm going back again tomorrow for the schnitzel and red cabbage. The plate the two guys next to me shared must have been stacked at least 1 foot high with pork, beef, chicken, sausage, potatoes, rice, eggs....it was HUGE...well they couldn't eat it either.

Well finished the meal and strolled down the street there...oh yeah, little Gelato shop and they had Nutella Gelato!!! Damn it was GREAT!!!! Shopped a bit in a little store down the street, then strolled across the Danube back to the Hotel and here I sit...bringing you all up to date. I will get on line in a minute and try to get this posted;..sorry bout the pics, but stay tuned for tomorrow's events.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Budapest arrival

Day three on the trip to Budapest. I awoke around 8 am...making myself sleep longer cause there was no reason to get up. Once up I ate the last of my chocolate cookies and one of the breakfast rolls John's mom had packed and had some water. I walked out in the hallway and the conductor said this is the end of Romania. AMEN!!!

We pulled into the Arad station and went through the passport inspections again. Once through with that it was across the border into Hungary and another passport inspection. Only this time was a bit different, they had to search my bags and asked if I had anything to declare. Well NO!!!!

Now it was off for the last legs to Budapest. Once in Hungary the difference was stark. Homes here were well kept, maintained, and updated. It was obvious everywhere, things were MUCH better in Hungary than in Romania and Bulgaria.

We finally pulled into Budapest's station around 12:30, almost three hours late. It was a beautiful old station undergoing a LOT of renovation, but I finally found my way out of the station and to a taxi. I showed him the papers where I was going and he said 30 euro!!!! DAMN, that is a high taxi, but after 2 days on the "Train from Hell" I didn't care, just get me to the Hotel, a cold beer, and let me settle in.

The driver told me on the way over that they had had a tornado 4 days earlier. He showed me some of the damage and said 4 people were killed. He said the hotel I was staying in was a beautiful hotel, 120 years old.

About then we pulled up in front...it was very nice. OLD building, but most everything I'd seen till now in Budapest was old, and it seems to be a very BUSY city. I got checked in the Hotel and they said they use Hungarian currency, so I asked where an ATM was located. He told me and I was off to my room.

Once in I checked email real quick and decided to go across the street to the ATM machine and try to find a place to eat. I only took out 50,000 at the ATM, found a place to eat and said I want something Hungarian. Lunch and beer were 1800.
I picked up a couple of beers to bring back to the room and decided that I would catch up the blog.....no pictures of course, but at least now I can recharge all the batteries and get everyone updated. It is only 7 pm now, but I can assure you that my day is complete...cept maybe for a little CNN, cold beer, and hopefully cool nights sleep. No AC here either.

Trans Balkan Express

Well believe it or not, we departed RIGHT on time. Just before departure the car started to fill up...next compartment to me two young girls..obviously drunk...talking about f this and f that and how they were just sweaty whores. Hmmm, interesting trip ahead. So off we go..first thing I do is plug in my batteries to recharge so I can get some pictures...damn, the outlet doesn't work. I flipped every switch in the room...didn't work. Oh well, bad charger....I'll charge the movie camera....same result. I asked the conductor..."Sweetch doesn't werk"!!!

Ok...well just resign myself that there will be no pictures till after Budapest...and decided to just go to sleep. About an hour after departure a knock at the door..."Passport"...ok, gave it to them...they stamped...and gave it back. So back to sleep. Then about 3am...another knock at the door..."Pazzport pleeze"...Ok...gave it to them and got it back. Back to sleep.

This time it took...was in Bulgaria and woke around 6 am in Sofia. The girls next door had just now realized that THIS train had NO food or drink. They were really throwing a fit with the conductor.."What the f___, you expect us to make it two days without food or drink!!!". I told them that I had realized there was no food on the train. I had heard them during the night talking to another english speaking guy a couple of rooms down.

I looked up and down the aisle..all the guys were in their underware...women in night gowns, because as I quickly realized after departure...no AC either, and it was HOT as hell when we left Thessoloniki. Well now that we were in Sofia it had not cooled a bit. The guy a couple of rooms down turned out to be Don from San Deigo. He was backpacking across Europe prior to reporting to school in Barcelona. He too had not realized there was no food or drink to be had on this train.

The girl immediately started trying to contact friends via cell phone to find a flight out of Sofia to Budapest...but by the time they completed arrangements the train had pulled out. It was a full day of riding on a hot train and hoping that any place we stopped people would be able to get water or food...but none to be had. Don said he had been nursing one package of chocolates and was on the last one. Of course the girls still had nothing. They did manage to find someone that had some water that gave them a little.

The day wore on....past the beautiful scenery of the morning to the Kansas like fields filled with sunflowers of the afternoon. Small town after small town of dilapidated houses, run down villages, one horse towns that this train stopped at all the way through Bulgaria. Finally to the last stop in Bulgaria...Russe. There were 'hustlers' along side the train selling water, coke, and sandwiches which the girls and Don both ordered. I sort of layed low to see what was happening.

The first guy brought a coke and water to the girls....15 Euro....during this time Don had asked for two sandwiches and two cokes from another guy....he also said 15 euro. Don had already given him five and tried to give the sandwichs back but they argued. So finally Don gave him a 20 and asked for a 10 back. They said they'd get change...well obviously they never returned. 25 euro for 2 sandwichs and 2 cokes...still no water.

By now the gestapo was on board to check passports. First thing out of the bag was to tell one of the girls she'd have to get off the train. She was from New Zealand and would have to have a visa to enter Romania. Of course that visa could only be obtained in Sofia....9 hours back, so the other girl from Australia said she'd have to get off too, she wasn't leaving her friend. Then she asked for her visa back...well they had all been taken to the office to be stamped so she got back on the train and said she wasn't leaving till she got her visa.

Finally they come back with the visas...BUT, her (girl from Australia) visa had already been stamped so she would have to get back on the train....well small story short, they took the visa back to erase the Romania stamp and both girls got off the train, destination undetermined. Now the Romanians were on board to check visas and took them all.

Just then the train started to leave and we realized we didn't have our visas...we started hollering at the conductor who really wasn't sure..but some Romanian citizens on board said we'd get them back on the other side of the border..which we did. Once on the other side, the train split...my half going to Budapest and Don had to go to the other half, going to Buccharest. After that, I had had enough for one full day and pulled my bed down and decided to sleep across Romania.

Off to Budapest

Last morning in Athens and time to get stuff together for the trip to Budapest. I swiched bags with John so I would have more room for my return trip and in anticipation of evading all the problems at Heathrow should I need to combine everything into one bag.

Time for a hot breakfast...farm fresh eggs and honey...then a hot shower and get everything packed. Once packed we had an hour or so to visit prior to my leaving to catch my train to Thessoloniki. We made it to the station about 30 minutes prior to departure time.

It looked as though the train was going to be full...lot of people at the station waiting for IC54, departing at 1323. I picked up a couple of things at the local snack shop to go with my lunch John's mom packed for me to take on the train. Once the train arrived I took my seat (#52) and stowed my bags on the overhead. One last wave to John and his dad and the train was off.

It was just a short way out of Athens and the girl came down the aisle asking if I needed a menu...I declined and asked for a coke. Soon after a guy came down the aisle with chocolate cupcakes (how did they know I was going to be on board!!!) and drinks. So I had a coffee to go with the cupcake.

About this time we were starting to enter some beautiful country...mountains, streams, and valleys. I got out the camera because now I was responsible for all the pictures you are used to seeing in these blogs. I turned the camera on and waited for just the right shot. The really BEAUTIFUL shot was out the window on the opposite side of the train...so I zoomed and got JUST the right picture, then the guy PULLED the curtains....

Oh well, back to MY side of the train. SUCH beautiful scenery, and it just kept getting better. I aimed at the bluffs and valleys in my sight now...snap....DAMN, in a tunnel.

Ok, well once out of the tunnel I'd try again. UMMMM, here it is, a perfect picture...snap....."Battery exhausted"!!!

No problem, I bought an extra and charged it just before leaving Dallas. I all but emptied my back pack looking for that damn battery...no where to be found...so now it was evident I was NOT going to get any pictures on the way to Thessoloniki. Oh well...there was ALWAYS the movie camera, so I dug it out. Took a couple of shots when it said "Tape Full". Not a problem, I KNEW I had extra tapes. I dug it out, inserted it in the camera and waited for the right shot. Again just as I started to shoot we entered a tunnel. Again my patience prevailed....once out of the tunnel I would have plenty of chances.

Here it was..that beautiful high train trestle and the sight below...I turned the camera on, pushed the 'REC' button and get a flashing sign....battery dead. WELL HELL...NO pictures.

Well not a problem...some missed pictures, but I knew I'd be able to recharge the batteries in my Private room on the Trans Balkans Express.

We finally arrived in Thessoloniki and I had a 5 and on half hour wait for the train to Budapest. I found a restaurant and had a slice of pizze and HUGE cold beer. Then I found the lockers and decided to lock up the bags and see a little of "Soloniki". I walked out the door of the station...no air conditioning...and looked around. It looked as though downtown was across the street and down the main street.

So off I went, my FIRST trek on my own in a strange place. I walked by a couple of different restaurants, then back to the main street and just kept walking. I walked past some pretty 'seedy' places, all the time just thinking what John had said about being wary of Albanians. I switched sides of the street but kept walking, knowing the next corner would bring better things and or maybe a major sight. Nothing, just more of the same. I finally decided to turn back, not finding anything any more interesting than you'd find in Oklahoma City from the train station.

I went to the other side of the street and headed back toward the train station. I came upon an old 'wall' that had been part of a fort or something at some time. I detoured past that and turned back to the main street after about a block. Then I came upon a 5 street intersection...with only certain places to cross the streets. I made it across and on my way.

After about 6 blocks it was obvious that I was NOT going back the same direction from which I came...so...logical thing would be turn right to get back to the other street...which I did. Well I found so many dead end streets...streets past nothing...steets with 'I know" two Albanians walking the opposite direction, finally I turned off again...seeing neon in the distance.

This time another dead end. I was walking toward an iron fence and some kid was yelling at me...of course I ignored him...another Albanian...then I saw this HUGE dog sleeping on his side. I turned around and went back the other way and waved at the kid. I guess he was trying to warn me.

Back on the streets I continued to walk. I asked a couple of people where the train station was...but of course no one knew. Finally I stopped two guys and they pointed straight ahead. I walked and walked and walked...finally a bus was stopped and I asked the driver....he pointed across the street. I was right in front of it...FINALLY!!!!

Oh well, back at the station I bought some water to take on the train along with a pack of cookies. The train showed to be on time so I headed out to track 5 to wait there. I sat for a while then on a 'whim' I decided to walk to the other end of the ramp to inquire about the train sitting there...sure 'nuff that was the train going to Budapest. so I boarded, found my room to await departure. WOW, a bed, sink with running water, electrical outlets...all I could want to make things right on the long trip to Hungary. Departure was set for midnight oh four on the Trans Balkan Express!!!!!

Athens Day 2

Day 2 in Athens saw another late awakening...but when you go to bed at 2am, you tend to get up late. Email was the first thing on the agenda, maintaining a 'link' with the west!!!

Then another great Greek breakfast including Greek coffee, regular coffee, rolls, toast, jam, and honey (from the farm). Today was set aside for visiting the great underground (Metro) stations that had been recently completed to view all the artifacts uncovered and displayed. We first visited the main station (forgot the name) that shows one whole wall dating back to the 6th century BC. They showed graves, artifacts, walls, irrigation pipes, walls, streets, and numerous other items unearthed by the excavation of the new metro line.

It is just amazing what all the "Christians" destroyed when they came to town. Anyway, was VERY interesting and enjoyable. From there it was to another train station to make my reservations for the Balkans Express from Thessoloniki to Budapest. Those reservations in hand we headed out to cement the DSL connection for John to continue his work while in Athens. Then a stop at a coffee shop for a cold drink.

While there we discovered John had the keys to the house...so shortly the phone rang and of course they needed the keys, they also informed us that John's cousin worked at the place we were having coffee. Unfortunately he wasn't in the afternoon we were there, but they did know him.

In just a few minutes we were heading back to the house for lunch...today it was another Greek dish...beef with rice, all those fresh vegetables, and of course tsazeki sauce. Then a cold beer on the balcony, check email, take a short afternoon nap, then off to the south side of Athens to view the sights and stop at another seaside cafe for drinks. We discussed all the things that were different and things that were the same..such as property taxes, school taxes...sales tax...you name it. Bottom line...people are the same the world over, it is the GOVERNMENTS that dictate differences. One thing all agree on though is "W" and the general dislike for him and his policies.

Well the beer went down smooth, so it was time to head back. On the way home we picked up souflaki....DAMN it was good. Then off to bed in preparation for an early morning.

Cradel of Democracy

First day in Athens and the plan was to visit the Acropolis and local sights, with the aid of a "local"!!! Up at 8 am, a little late, but things in Athens operate 'later' than usual. Had a great breakfast, then off to visit the Metro and head out to the Parthanon. While London's underground probably holds the record for most efficient, Athen's answer is by far the most beautiful.

Our first stop was at the local Eurorail station to make sure I had tickets to Thessolonaki. My 'interperator' straightened everything out and sure 'nuff I had tickes on the 1323 train for Saturday...and all at NO CHARGE...1st class.

We took the Metro to the Acropolis station and started our hike to the top of the 'hill'. I found it all very interesting and every bit as beautiful as advertised. Still amazes me how they got all those stones up to the top of that hill...however, I DID see a set of rails, much like a mine train. Reckon that's what they used???

Well we did every nook and cranny of the acropolis, then headed down to the streets of Athens. We went through the small streets littered with Gypsies selling their wares, and down streets with all the normal tourist goodies. I managed to escape most, but did stop at a couple.

After a lot of walking and a lot of looking, we found a street restaurant with ice cold beer...hard to turn down. We stopped for one beer then off to the Parliment to see the changing of the guards. Of course I had to have my picture taken with one of them and we waited for the actual change. It was a little marred with the "French" tourist that insisted on upsetting the guards. They were reprimanded MORE than once...then there was the asian tourists that insisted on jumping in front of anyone taking pictures.

Anyway, after an impressive ceremony, I went to the OIC and told him I really enjoyed the ceremony.

From there it was down the main street...walking of course...and looking for DSL for John so he would be able to work while in Athens. Then we headed out to the nearest Metro station to head back home...KNOWING dinner was waiting when we got there.

We made it to some 'Albanian' section of Athens where John's dad picked us up and took us back home. There we had a great Greek lunch....greek meatballs, tsaziki sauce, fries, and all the dressings. Then time to check email, check out the 'shut down' blog, and take a short nap.

After nap time...cause you KNOW Athens runs on a much later clock...we headed out to the seaside restaurants for appetizers and drinks. We had Sardines, Octopus, and a couple of other seafood dishes. Was just the right touch while overlooking the Mediterranian and sipping a cold beer.

After that, it was back to the house and get a good nights sleep before starting out on Day 2 in Athens.

The Motherland!!!

Well morning finally made it and actually we got more sleep at the table than I thought we would. Actually felt a bit refreshed when I woke up around 6 am...the sight was still the same, blue water rolling by, still the same people in our area I'd mentioned late last night, and nothing open yet. I took a stroll around the deck to see if anything was going on or if the view was different from the other side....no, and no.

The deck bar finally opened around 7 or so so we had coffee and Greek pie. That got the day going and shortly after that I went to the bar inside our deck and purchased an internet card so I could stay in touch and check out the status of the blog...still blocked!

Finally decided to open the lap top and play solitaire for a while...did that till my battery ran down, then played on John's till his battery was out. Then sat in the chair and dozed off and on for a while. We finally made our first stop at a port in Greece...there bout 30 minutes, then off for the second stop in Corfu...there about the same length of time, then off for Patras. Finally...Patras, here we are...right on schedule after 30 hours at sea from Venice.

We stood in line to get off the boat and the line finally started moving, but they didn't turn on the escalators, had to tote those bags down two flights of stairs. Finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, waited for the gangplank to lower and off the boat we went. First place for anyone to meet us…there was John’s parents and brother to greet us. We made it through the crowd to the car and managed to get all our luggage in and we were off to the races!!! Literally….

We made it to the outskirts of Patras and to the highway connecting to Athens. It was a two lane road with shoulders on each side, but many times there would be two cars passing on the left at the same time. Seems like most everyone drove between the land and the shoulder because there was always someone that was going to pass you.

About halfway to Athens the road got wider, first four lanes then six as you could see Athens on the horizon…or at least the lights. Of course one of the FIRST sights recognizable to me was the Acropolis pearched high on the hill and lit at night. By now it was 11 pm and we were entering Athens. We stopped to get Gyros to take home for dinner. John had always said they eat early afternoon and late night….it was true.

The Gyros were delicious and the beer was cold. We visited till about 2am and John passed out the gifts he had picked up along the way, they we called it a night with plans for tomorrow mapped out.

At sea

Last morning in Venice, we were out fairly late last night...lots of good pics, as soon as we find the connection to get them published for you, and of course whenever the blog is turned back on.

Down for breakfast this morning...the usual with toast and coffee. Then went to the internet cafe a couple of doors down to check on the blog, catch up on email, and get ready to head for Athens. Headed back to the hotel and got all the bags together and got checked out of the room (?) and one last time verified the correct water taxi to take to Piazza de Roma to catch the boat to Patras...Number 52, 'take you right to the pier'!!!

So off we go down the narrow streets of Venice, stopping a couple of times for those last minute things and shops we'd seen earlier, then off to the Grand Canal for our Water Bus. There was one 'bus stop' right where we came out of the narrow street, but didn't see No. 52 listed...so stopped a young guy in a blue shirt with "Von Dutch" jeans on to inquire about the location of the stop for No. 52. He deferred to a local (but remember this guy)

We looked a bit further, and just as we expected, the bus stop WE needed was just across the bridge...luggage UP and DOWN the steps, but there we were at the stop for water bus 52 with 3 stop service to Piazza de Roma.

Once at our destination, directions were not very clear as to exactly we were to board the ferry for Patras. We walked off the boat, down the pier, and across the street. Finally I just had the feeling we should be going the other way so I approached a Taxi driver to ask directions to Minoan Lines. No english...went to the next...no english - or Greek!! ;-) But the first driver felt for us and came back to me to try to explain where we needed to go and ask if we needed a taxi..."No way, just to the boat!!" He finally drew me a picture of a stop light, two fingers, and pointed us in the right direction....so off we went. Well hell, didn't know is was going to be a two mile hike most of which was walking in the street because there were no walks, but finally we made it to "Minoan Lines" check in.

Once checked in she said out the door and to the right...a long ways to the right!! In line with the cars and trucks. Finally we found a pedestrian ramp and on the boat we went...along with 819 cars and trucks and about 1000 other people. We finally spotted a small table with chairs on the 'bar deck' and took squatters rights there. Most every table was full and we were worn out from the walk, so immediately took advantage of the convenience of the deck bar and had a hot dog and cold beer. Then we sat at our table and watched Venice roll by...then the breakers...then a couple of islands...then just blue water. Six hours later we were still watching blue water roll by, two SCREAMING, ill behaved kids, and still in the same seats.

We finally decided out bags would be OK if we went to the restaurant and had dinner...which we did. Wasn't bad but best of all was in air conditioned quarters. After dinner, back out to our chosen spot to continue watching the water and the sunset. We were keeping our eyes on some lounge chairs toward the back of the boat..but as time wore on and the crowd on deck with us thinned out we decided THOSE seats would be a bit chilly.

Not being the "seasoned" ferry riders we didn't have mats, sleeping bags, or blow up mattresses with us, just at the table in our plastic chairs. By now it was down to just us two, three people on the other end of the deck with 12" thick blow up mattresses, and some guy laying on the deck. We did the best we could to stretch between two chairs to get some sleep. Now and then laying our head on the table, then back to the other position. Time soon passed...thanks to the two screaming kids being gone and before we knew it we had made our first night at sea!!!!!


First morning in Venice after finally getting settled into our "room". Wish I had the pictures loaded to show you, but will get them soon when we find reliable connections again. We headed down to breakfast, no brown eggs today, just crossiant rolls, melba toast and jelly....and of course coffee. After that we headed out on foot for early morning scouting to pick the best picture spots for later evening visits.

First stop was San Marcos square where I think the pidgeons just about matched the people one for one. I think the pidgeons were Italian and the people were asian. ;-). We marveled at the sights in the square, eyed ALL the kiosks selling the same thing, and surprisingly, all the same price. We then headed out to one of the canals and just started walking, looking at all the sights, old buildings, canals, and goldola operators. Seems as though it was just one continuous line of gondolas up and down the canals. While my first thought was "that is the way to see the city" I soon changed my mind when I saw just how MANY were out there...and well the fact that it was $100 didn't help matters.

We were up and down some really small streets, of couse no cars to worry about. We soon worked out way back toward the hotel for lunch at a small cafe two doors down from the hotel. Looked REALLY good, one reason we came back to there. Of course wasn't near as good as it looked.

We went back to the room to catch our breath and plan out the evening where we wanted to take pictures. Later I walked out on the street and on the corner opposite where we ate earlier there was a CROWD eating pizza...so I thought what the heck, I got a cold beer and slice of pizza there and took it back to the room. Was REALLY good, more like I envisioned "Italian" Pizza.

Just a short time later we headed back out on the streets and went the opposite direction from morning. We went off onto a more non commercial street because all the area around San Marco was just packed. Wall to wall people. The street we went down was much quieter, just locals sitting out on the street, kids playing soccer, much nicer, at least as far as I was concerned. I do enjoy the 'sights' but I also like to get the flavor of the local area and people. We took some pictures, checked out the laundry hanging across the streets, looked as some of the local boats and had some gelato.

Then we headed back to the mob scene to take pictures with the lights on. I can't wait to be able to post some of them because they are absolutly beautiful. We found a small restuarant right next to Grand Canal and had dinner there, then off for more pictures, and of course looking in the windows of ALL the expensive shops...Gucci, Prada, Armani, D&G, and all the others. I also drooled at the liquor prices too....DAMN CHEAP. A full liter of Bailey's Irish Cream for $10....large bottle of Johnny Walker Black label...$24...oh well, no liquids on the plane!!!

Well, getting late, time to head back to the room and check plans for tomorrow morning. We have to take a water bus again to head out to the ferry dock....lord knows if and how we'll get there, but we'll try.

I've tried to post the last three days blogs and for some reason the blog was frozen...said something about spam. Hopefully it will be up and running tomorrow so I can get ya'll caught up, then of course the pics will be coming as soon as we find a faster connection to get them loaded and transfered.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bon Jeeerno

Today was another travel day. Up early to our anticipated "brown egg" breakfast. Was really nice as usual, croissants with jelly, hard boiled brown eggs (in sand), and COFFEE!!! Only ONE little surprise this morning. I tried the bulk jam as usual but without my glasses I saw the small containers of jam or jelly in the basket, one of which was purple or blue in color and decided it must be either boysenberry or grape, so into my dish it went. I had my first croissant with the strawberry, cracked my egg and carefully salted and peppered it...savored the coffee with the egg, little orange juice and prepared the next croissant for the arrival of m-m-good boysenberry jam. I opened the container and it seemed to be mixed with cream cheese...fine. I mentioned it looked a bit different than I expected, but what the heck, after all we were in Vienna.

I carefully buttered my croissant and spread the anticipated delicious jam on my roll. The first taste brought a response of surprise and wonderment....what was this, on with the glasses and what to my surprise in place of boysenberry jam was "LIVER PATE"!!!!! Not bad, but just not expected.

Oh well, now it was off to see when the internet cafe opened....noon, too late to do us any good because we were of the impression our train left at 1300, so forget the net connection and blog uploads. Now it was time to search for the grocery store to pick up supplies for our 9 hour train ride to Venice. Off to Kohler....hmmm, closed on Sunday. Down the street to the other...same thing, closed on Sunday. We were finding most everything was closed on Sunday, so it was back to the hotel to prepare for departure to the train station. We gathered our stuff, caught the elevator and completed our check out and asked directions for a cab.

A couple of blocks later we finally found a taxi stand and were off to Suedbanhof for our 1pm train. Not knowing which track our train left on we chose to go to the upstairs waiting room. We watched and watched for our 1308 departure to be posted....nothing. Finally I saw the arrival from Venice with an ETA of 1354, almost an hour after the scheduled departure. Once the arrival posted I went to track 16 to see if any more information was available...sure nuff there was our train on the board with a departure time of 1530, over two hours later than we had planned. Oh well, we decided to have a a 'kebab' while waiting.

As soon as the train arrived I checked out all the cars...we were booked 1st class, but all the cars were the same...what was the difference? Still don't know, but we did have the compartment to ourselves all the way from Vienna to Venice. The scenery was absolutly beautiful, all the small Austrian villages going by the window, the mountains and streams, lush green valleys that all looked as though they had been freshly mown and manicured. Was a really nice trip and we arrived in Venice right on time.

We grabed our bags and headed out of the station having NO idea what to do. Once outside there were lines of people at a couple of kiosks that led to boats, but I was sure we were supposed to take a water taxi. There was a woman there that heard us inquire about San Marcos square and said she was going to the same place, did we know how to get there....NO!!
I saw what I believed to be water taxi drivers and inquired about getting to San Marcos.....70 euro replied the drunk!!! Well I don't care if had been free, I wasn't getting out on the water with him!!

I went to the guy running the deli.."How do I get to San Marcos?" He said cross that bridge and keep walking....well that didn't appeal, so I went to the guy running the pizza place. How do I get to San Marcos?". Take the boat he said. "Which one?"....any he replied. So off to the ticket window. We were now 4th in line and they closed the shades and locked the door....we just stood there. Finally I said let's just get on the dam boat, which we did. I found a couple sitting on the back and said "do you speak english". "Si"!! How to I get to San Marcos I asked.....a blank stare and a shrug of the shoulders, so we just found a seat and settled in for the ride.

Shortly here comes the captain asking for tickets...which of course we didn't have, but told him we were looking for San Marcos.....fine, no problem. Five euro each, so we remained in our seat and were slowly beginning to figure out the "water bus" system. We got off at the San Marcos stop, now to figure out which way to walk...after asking for directions from a couple of different people we finally did find Hote Bridge.

Once there the guy at the desk said "we have a problem, we were never able to contact you for confirmation so the ONLY room we have left is without a bathroom...the ONLY room in the hotel without a bathroom. Would you like to look at it?" So I did take a tour of the room and the bathroom. He assured us the ONLY other people using the bathroom were his employees first thing in the morning. Since it was midnight we didnt' have much choice so I agreed to take the room and take my chances tomorrow morning. I hope by the time I get to post this I'll have pics of the room for you.

After this long day I decided a nice cold beer from the fridge in the room would be nice....WRONG, the fridge wasn't working. Well enough was enough, I stomped downstairs and told the desk clerk our fridge was not working...and did he have any ice. Nope sorry, no ice, maybe he could bring us a couple of drinks and I said sure, a couple of beers and a coke. About 20 minutes later he showed up at the door with four beers and 2 cokes. That concluded our trip from Vienna and our welcome to Venice. Will update you on our first day in Venice tomorrow.

oh de la de who

Up this morning to Vienna style classical music and breakfast. Finally a cup of coffee and another brown egg!! ;-)
After an enjoyable breakfast we started out on foot patrol of Vienna. The cities just keep getting better and better, but I'm not sure any can top this. It is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen, and while I certainly haven't seen them all it's hard to imagine one prettier, cleaner, or nicer than Vienna.

The first attraction is only a couple of blocks from the hotel, the Volkstheater. From there past the museum, churches, National buildings, and of course statues everywhere. Even though a lot of these are old, and as you can see from the church downtown, blackened or darkened by age and wear, the city is cleaning and restoring them. Some of the buildings such as the museum show the before and after effects of the cleaning process taking place to restore them to their original beauty.

We walked through the city all the way to the Danube...sure looked "blue" to me!! We then strolled down the river a bit stopping at an internet cafe for a brief "fix" and to check in. It was there I'd received email from Karen with pictures of Lil Girl...Damn she looked good, but I think I could see in her eyes that she still misses me!

Once our hour was up there we continued walking past the parks and all the upscale shops...this city is full of them. It was cool all morning...still feel for Texas when I check the temperatures daily and it's still in the 100's there, must have been in the 50's here all morning. It started to rain lightly about noon so we decided to head back to the room to get out of the rain and have a snack and come back out later when all the buildings were lit for picture taking ops.

We started out again around 6 and headed to Cafe Milano...just a couple of bocks from the hotel to have dinner. It was still raining and we couldn't find an umbrella anywhere...not a lot open on the weekends here. We sat in the restaurant till the rain reduced to a sprinkle and took off. We walked the streets of downtown looking at people and shops waiting for it to get dark...finally just as it was about to the sun peeked out from beneath the clouds just to light the very highest objects in the city, which made for a couple of picture opportunities. We marveled at the old church more, walking completely around it and peeking in the windows where possible. By now most of the buildings were being lit externally and were really majestic.

We took our time walking back to the hotel making sure we had photographically recorded our sights. Made it back to the hotel around 11pm and reviewed all the pics on the laptop.

Now was the time to review the next days schedule to verify departure times and solidify plans for leaving Vienna and heading for the canals of Venice. As soon as I am connected again I'll post this along with any pictures we've been able to get loaded and let you know about the last morning in Vienna and the trip to Venice.