Monday, August 21, 2006

Athens Day 2

Day 2 in Athens saw another late awakening...but when you go to bed at 2am, you tend to get up late. Email was the first thing on the agenda, maintaining a 'link' with the west!!!

Then another great Greek breakfast including Greek coffee, regular coffee, rolls, toast, jam, and honey (from the farm). Today was set aside for visiting the great underground (Metro) stations that had been recently completed to view all the artifacts uncovered and displayed. We first visited the main station (forgot the name) that shows one whole wall dating back to the 6th century BC. They showed graves, artifacts, walls, irrigation pipes, walls, streets, and numerous other items unearthed by the excavation of the new metro line.

It is just amazing what all the "Christians" destroyed when they came to town. Anyway, was VERY interesting and enjoyable. From there it was to another train station to make my reservations for the Balkans Express from Thessoloniki to Budapest. Those reservations in hand we headed out to cement the DSL connection for John to continue his work while in Athens. Then a stop at a coffee shop for a cold drink.

While there we discovered John had the keys to the shortly the phone rang and of course they needed the keys, they also informed us that John's cousin worked at the place we were having coffee. Unfortunately he wasn't in the afternoon we were there, but they did know him.

In just a few minutes we were heading back to the house for it was another Greek dish...beef with rice, all those fresh vegetables, and of course tsazeki sauce. Then a cold beer on the balcony, check email, take a short afternoon nap, then off to the south side of Athens to view the sights and stop at another seaside cafe for drinks. We discussed all the things that were different and things that were the same..such as property taxes, school taxes...sales name it. Bottom line...people are the same the world over, it is the GOVERNMENTS that dictate differences. One thing all agree on though is "W" and the general dislike for him and his policies.

Well the beer went down smooth, so it was time to head back. On the way home we picked up souflaki....DAMN it was good. Then off to bed in preparation for an early morning.


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