Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good Bye Athens, Ella Dallas

  Friday was home cooking day, we made the salmon pasta dish...well minus a couple of ingrediants maybe.  John described what he would need...I confirmed it as "celery" and he said yes.  Of course the celery you buy in least at the neighborhood market I went to...was about the size of a small tree, but I got it anyway.  Later discovered the correct translation was "Parsley", not celery....well was still good.   While the celery was huge, the 'iceberg' lettuce was small and loose, but got it anyway to make a salad.  Since there is no Ranch Dressing in Greece I made my mom's salad dressing!!!   MMMMMM, well I could almost drink it anyway.

   So that was pretty much Friday...of course still keeping up with the World Cup.

   Saturday was spent shopping around another local and out of all the stores, and found a small local restaurant for dinner.  Had Mousaka...not nearly as good as the one I learned to make from John's mom, but ok in a pinch.


   Sunday was reserved for the Monistriaki "market area".  That is an area close to the Acropolis and a number of other ruins close by.  There are many small streets winding around the area with small shops and vendors lining all the streets.  Of course I had to check them all out, found a neat little sidewalk cafe for a beer to cool down.  Never thought I'd say it, but was looking foward to getting back to Dallas to "cool off"!!!!   It had gotten SO hot in Athens the last few days.

   While in the market area I found another sidewalk cafe for lunch...gyro plate and cold beer.  Picked up my souvineers and headed home.  Smart car sightings abound!!!!

   Monday was the last day to get things ready to return to Dallas.  I found a little hotel close to the Metro so I would be able to make it to the airport on time.  I felt like Jimmy Stewart in "Rear Window" sitting there looking out the window.  There were 35 apartments in the buildings lining the street across the way, so I sat there looking at all the people on their balconies, eating dinner, doing laundry, hanging out their clothes, having a drink, and smoking their "hookah's"!!!   lol

   In the afternoon I went to John's parents and as usual his mother had a feast.  We had gyros, meatballs, lamb chops, pork chops, tzatseki, salad, fresh country eggs scrambled with tomatoe and peppers, and of course a selection of desserts.

   Vasso had just returned from the village with bushels of fresh fruits and vegetables.  After dinner...MORE, she made a...well they called it 'pumpkin', but it was a HUGE zuchinni (at least I thought so)...anyway, she shredded it and mixed it with feta cheese, milk, flour, and egg and it makes a huge "pie"...that was the late night snack.   UM-UM GOOD!!!!  There were fresh apricots and plums too, but I was too full to partake.

   We said our goodbyes....certainly wish I could have expressed myself better in Greek, but I think the feelings came through.  I really enjoyed my visits with John's family AND not to forget Nitsa...the lady that lives above the store.  I didn't get a chance to see her again before I left but certainly enjoyed meeting her.

  The next morning (Tuesday) I was up early to catch my train to the airport...lugging that 55 lb suitcase with me.  I headed to the metro station less than a block from where I was staying.  Of course there wasn't an escalator DOWN, only one UP (which I didn't see when I was coming UP).  Luckily I was on about the third step down and a young Greek guy said let me help you with that...boy was I glad.   Anyway, made it to the Red Line, then my connection to the Blue Line to get me to the airport.

   I guess because of my status as a "black balled" ex Air Traffic Controller, I was one of the lucky ones to be selected for "additional search".  I was taken to a small room and all but strip searched to make sure I wasn't a terrorist.  I finally passed and was allowed to board the flight.  Now the flight wasn't long in comparison with some, but at 11 hours I thought we would never get to Philly.  It was COLD and I had to cover up with the complimentary "Airline Blanket" the whole way back.  Did manage to get a little sleep in though.  I was lucky though...I had three seats to myself...this made 4 out of 4 flights I had managed to have a vacant seat next to me...hmmm, wonder why!!!

   Finally in Philly for a 2 hour layover, but the whole 2 hours was spent going through customs, security check out, security check check in again.  I mean I know we need to be safe, but all this is really making flying a "need to" situation rather than a fun thing anymore.  I mean from the time I disembarked the international flight and went through customs and security I was never outside a secure corridor...looks like they could have just transferred me over...but no, two more security checks on the way to the next flight with the same airline I just got off of.

    Oh well, good news was...on a FULL flight to Dallas there were only two vacant seats...guess where, right next to me!!!  Now I was beginning to think maybe I WAS a threat...they must have my name on the "No Fly" list, or at least the "Don't Sit Next to While Flying" list!!!

   Anyway back in Dallas at 8:30 pm and on my way to pick up Lil Girl.  She was SO happy to see me, and me her.  Now maybe I'll get these bags unpacked by this weekend!!!! 

   Was a great trip, say many nice places, went to lots of fun beaches, met many nice Greek people, and left with fond memories!!!!!

Smart cars??????

Smart Nebraska supporter......

Sporty Smart........

...and Blind Smart!!!!


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