Friday, August 25, 2006

The River Rhine

I don't know what time it was, but it was after midnight. I was still curled up on the bottom bunk (remember I was assigned the top) when the door opened and some heavy person came in (I think it was a guy), then a bag was placed on the bed I was sleeping and two girls came in. One leaned over and I looked at her as asked "is this yours?". She said it was and asked which one I was assigned, I pointed to the top and she said "No Problem" and she just climbed up to the top bunk and let me rest in the bottom one. By this time the person in the middle bunk had settled in and the new girl in the bottom bunk across was making her bed. As soon as she climbed in she commenced to undress under the covers and next time I opened my eyes she was sitting on the side of the bunk in PJ's....hmmm, interesting night, but I just turned over and obviously went to sleep with NO problem.

Next thing I remember was that the train wasn't moving, but I didn't see any light, so assumed we were stopped at another stop. I lay there a while, then decided maybe I'd better check and see if it was time to get up for breakfast on the train...DAMN, it was 6 am and we were scheduled in Frankfurt at 5:57...I jumped up and looked out the window and sure 'nuff we were sitting the Frankfurt Am Main Banhoff...the only thing going through my mind was the day the door closed in Berlin and John was banging on the door to get in...I just KNEW I wasn't going to get off that damn train before it pulled out again. I hurriedly grabbed my bags from under the bunk and rushed to the door. I made it off (damn it was CHILLY) and sleepily walked down the length of the train to the main station.

I still didn't feel like I had everything with me because I had no time to I stopped, checked all bags and pockets for important things...I had NO change in my pocket, but did have the bills, no way I was going back on that train to check for a couple of lost Euro' stumbled on toward the station. I glanced at a couple of the shops then headed for the "Ausfhart"...once outside it was a bit misty and cool. I knew the hotel I was staying in was supposed to be very close so I crossed the street...well I was right in front of the hotel, so decided to go in and see if there was ANY chance to check in.

I went to the desk and the guy said "Check in time is 2 pm"...I said "I realize that, but I DID put on my reservation that I would be arriving early so I was just checking". He said check back and I said "When, noon?". He looked at the computer and said "I have a smoking room available now"....I said "I'll take it!!". That worked out great, not only did I get in the room a little after 6 but breakfast started at 6 so I went right down stairs and had a super breakfast. Then it was back to the room to get the internet set up and catch up. Then showered, shaved, and headed across the street around 11 to book a Rhine River trip combined with a Frankfurt that started at 1...well they had a river cruise starting right then which included wine tasting, lunch, and the river castle trip. He said I could take the Frankfurt tour when I got back at 7 pm.....SOLD!!!

Well I jumped right on the bus and we headed through downtown Frankfurt...much like Dallas...and on out to the Rhine River. We stopped at one of the many villages along the way for lunch. Being a loner I was seated with three other people at lunch. We of course introduced ourselves and had a nice conversation. It was Dick and his wife Irene and their niece Katie. Katie lives in Frankfurt and they were here visiting. They asked all about me and my travels and of course I had to get in a jab about "W", not knowing how they would take it. Not completely surprised, they agreed. Dick said "well being from Berkley, California, you know how our political views lie!!". Well that broke the ice, they bought me a beer and we continued on out to the boat. It was a bit cool and of course I'm still wearing my birthday shorts and shirts!!!! We headed down the river past many other small quaint German villages and castles. We were on the top deck...out in the open. It started to rain pretty good so we all went below till it stopped.

By now I had seen all the castles and was ready to head back to the bus...which we soon did. Then we stopped for wine tasting at one of the wineries....well THEY called it a taste, I called it less than a sip...needless to say I didn't buy any of the wine or have any shipped back home. Next stop was an open air lift up a mountain...which I chose not to take, instead I walked the streets of the small village on the banks of the Rhine at the bast of the mountains. I wandered off the main street to a small pub and ordered a German beer in a stein served by the Italian waiter!!! Was GREAT. Then down a couple of the small streets looking, then headed back to the bus for the ride back to the city.

Once back I cancelled the city portion of the tour and walked across the street to the hotel. I decided before I came up to the room to walk around the neighborhood and found a 'kebab' place and picked up a GREAT kebab and a couple of beers and headed back to the room to update all of you guys and publish some pics as well.

That's it for me for the night...up early in the morning and get ready for Brussels.

Is anyone still reading??? I don't ever see any more comments...oh well, I'll keep writing, you NEVER know.


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