Monday, August 21, 2006

Off to Budapest

Last morning in Athens and time to get stuff together for the trip to Budapest. I swiched bags with John so I would have more room for my return trip and in anticipation of evading all the problems at Heathrow should I need to combine everything into one bag.

Time for a hot fresh eggs and honey...then a hot shower and get everything packed. Once packed we had an hour or so to visit prior to my leaving to catch my train to Thessoloniki. We made it to the station about 30 minutes prior to departure time.

It looked as though the train was going to be full...lot of people at the station waiting for IC54, departing at 1323. I picked up a couple of things at the local snack shop to go with my lunch John's mom packed for me to take on the train. Once the train arrived I took my seat (#52) and stowed my bags on the overhead. One last wave to John and his dad and the train was off.

It was just a short way out of Athens and the girl came down the aisle asking if I needed a menu...I declined and asked for a coke. Soon after a guy came down the aisle with chocolate cupcakes (how did they know I was going to be on board!!!) and drinks. So I had a coffee to go with the cupcake.

About this time we were starting to enter some beautiful country...mountains, streams, and valleys. I got out the camera because now I was responsible for all the pictures you are used to seeing in these blogs. I turned the camera on and waited for just the right shot. The really BEAUTIFUL shot was out the window on the opposite side of the I zoomed and got JUST the right picture, then the guy PULLED the curtains....

Oh well, back to MY side of the train. SUCH beautiful scenery, and it just kept getting better. I aimed at the bluffs and valleys in my sight now...snap....DAMN, in a tunnel.

Ok, well once out of the tunnel I'd try again. UMMMM, here it is, a perfect picture...snap....."Battery exhausted"!!!

No problem, I bought an extra and charged it just before leaving Dallas. I all but emptied my back pack looking for that damn where to be now it was evident I was NOT going to get any pictures on the way to Thessoloniki. Oh well...there was ALWAYS the movie camera, so I dug it out. Took a couple of shots when it said "Tape Full". Not a problem, I KNEW I had extra tapes. I dug it out, inserted it in the camera and waited for the right shot. Again just as I started to shoot we entered a tunnel. Again my patience prevailed....once out of the tunnel I would have plenty of chances.

Here it was..that beautiful high train trestle and the sight below...I turned the camera on, pushed the 'REC' button and get a flashing sign....battery dead. WELL HELL...NO pictures.

Well not a problem...some missed pictures, but I knew I'd be able to recharge the batteries in my Private room on the Trans Balkans Express.

We finally arrived in Thessoloniki and I had a 5 and on half hour wait for the train to Budapest. I found a restaurant and had a slice of pizze and HUGE cold beer. Then I found the lockers and decided to lock up the bags and see a little of "Soloniki". I walked out the door of the air conditioning...and looked around. It looked as though downtown was across the street and down the main street.

So off I went, my FIRST trek on my own in a strange place. I walked by a couple of different restaurants, then back to the main street and just kept walking. I walked past some pretty 'seedy' places, all the time just thinking what John had said about being wary of Albanians. I switched sides of the street but kept walking, knowing the next corner would bring better things and or maybe a major sight. Nothing, just more of the same. I finally decided to turn back, not finding anything any more interesting than you'd find in Oklahoma City from the train station.

I went to the other side of the street and headed back toward the train station. I came upon an old 'wall' that had been part of a fort or something at some time. I detoured past that and turned back to the main street after about a block. Then I came upon a 5 street intersection...with only certain places to cross the streets. I made it across and on my way.

After about 6 blocks it was obvious that I was NOT going back the same direction from which I thing would be turn right to get back to the other street...which I did. Well I found so many dead end streets...streets past nothing...steets with 'I know" two Albanians walking the opposite direction, finally I turned off again...seeing neon in the distance.

This time another dead end. I was walking toward an iron fence and some kid was yelling at me...of course I ignored him...another Albanian...then I saw this HUGE dog sleeping on his side. I turned around and went back the other way and waved at the kid. I guess he was trying to warn me.

Back on the streets I continued to walk. I asked a couple of people where the train station was...but of course no one knew. Finally I stopped two guys and they pointed straight ahead. I walked and walked and walked...finally a bus was stopped and I asked the driver....he pointed across the street. I was right in front of it...FINALLY!!!!

Oh well, back at the station I bought some water to take on the train along with a pack of cookies. The train showed to be on time so I headed out to track 5 to wait there. I sat for a while then on a 'whim' I decided to walk to the other end of the ramp to inquire about the train sitting there...sure 'nuff that was the train going to Budapest. so I boarded, found my room to await departure. WOW, a bed, sink with running water, electrical outlets...all I could want to make things right on the long trip to Hungary. Departure was set for midnight oh four on the Trans Balkan Express!!!!!


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