Friday, June 11, 2010

Athens Thursday2

   Up in the morning and off to work...oh, that's a song and nowdays I only live the first part of that, no more "off to work"!!!  BUT...morning coffee and Greek cookies on the balcony.

   John's dad got his lights wired today, were looking for the little "up light" accent lights you can get at Home Depot at home, but none to be found in Athens, so we made our own and put them together to highlight the wall we painted.  Looks great, don't know if I have the picture yet to show, but will in a day or so.

  Ordered lunch in today...ummmm, gyros, kebobs, and chicken gyro plate.  As usual was DELICIOUS!!!!

  Afternoon was spent watching the DOW recover and napping, but in the evening we caught bus #854 and headed down to the small port in Pireaus.  This is where the small boats (well some pretty big yachts) come in as opposed to the larger ferries a couple of blocks down.

   Very nice area of Pireaus, lot's of NICE shops, Tavernas, and Cafes.  We strolled along the streets and plazas looking at people and places.  We came to another of the multi-floored supermarkets and went up and down every aisle.  I was looking for creamer (NoyNoy) for my morning coffee, but of course had to stop in the liquor section and admire the selection AND prices.

 A few aisles over we found one full section dedicated to olive oil....of course in Greece you put olive oil on everything...I think there is even olive oil flavored Gelato!!!
Here I was contemplating what size to buy!!!


  From the supermarket we stopped at the next ice cream shop to have our daily allocation of two dips of gelato in a waffle cone, then strolled on down to the dock, and down to the lower level to look at the boats.  Some pretty nice ones too...wouldn't mind living on one of these, as most of these people seem to do.  The upper level is lined with outdoor seating for coffee, dessert, beer, and dining.  The area was packed with people out for the evening.

   We walked along and turned up one of the many plazas...a tree lined walk way with only pedestrians and shops.  Once back to the main street we caught our bus (#915) for the return home.  Well if you've kept up with my blogs you know transportation is not always one of our better virtues.  We noticed as soon as 915 started toward the house that it didn't take the same street other busses had taken, but still was only a block off.
Not to worry, just as we got about a block from our street the bus takes a right turn...well we hit the button to signify we would disembarke at the next stop...little did we know that next stop was quite a ways off, and still going away from the house.


We finally managed to get off the bus...thankfully it was at the TOP of a hill and not at the bottom.  Here you can see how far down we had to go to get to the house.  At least we walked off the gelato.  Passed by one house that had the balcony decorated in big white bows and ribbons...assumed it was a wedding celebration...wish I had taken a picture, but didn't.


 Finally made it home with our bags of goodies, had a nitecap, checked out the news of the day and headed to bed.

   Did make a couple of Smart to show, and one Lil Girl sighting, but didn't get the picture of her!!!


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