Thursday, June 03, 2010

Thursday Athens

  Up early this morning, fresh coffee and Greek pastries on the patio.  Checked out the email and websites then got ready to go to John's Dad's shop for the day.

   While there took a stroll down one of the streets of Athens and in and out of a few of the stores.  Met several people that came in the store, one that spoke english, so we visited a while.

   The Greek shops close from 2-5...don't know who started that first, Greek's or Mexican' today was the day I was going to cook "Southern Fried Chicken" for John's Mom and Dad.

  Also, they don't have "Ranch Dressing" here, so made my own...had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and salad with ranch good, a taste of home.
Will go back to the store later, then to the Greek Home Depot a little later to see what's there.


 John's mom and I walked back to the shop...quite a walk but interesting.  Of course everyone walks in the street in Athens.  When we got back to the shop, older lady that lives right above the shop was there.  She thinks of John's parents as her children and visits the store daily more than once, then when the store closes John's mom walks her to the elevator and says goodnight.  When we got there she wanted to take us across the street for a gelato.  I got my money out to pay and she wouldn't hear of it, she wanted to buy us an ice cream.  A guy came by selling roses and I was going to get one for each of them...but they shooed him away and said "NO", so I will get her a nice card before I leave.  I'm sure I'll see her again, she seemed to enjoy our visit as much as I did.

  Once the shop closed we came to the house, had a drink, and that was the day.


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