Sunday, August 27, 2006

Frankfurt to Brussels

Up early to complete the last of my 24 hour net connection, then down to that beautiful breakfast. This morning was eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, plum jelly, potatoes, tomatoes, and coffee. Then back to the room to finish charging all my batteries. Even got the razor to work a bit and trimmed those damn sideburns..but still look like whoever that cartoon character is with the hair standing up on top. Oh well, less than a week now and I can get it all done on 110 volts!!!

After charging everything and drinking the last of my complimentary mini bar I got the bags all packed, back pack on and headed down to check out from my one night stay in Frankfurt. I always try to be a little bit early, but just didn't realize how close to the train station I by the time I checked out and walked across the street I was at the train station by 10:30, my train was scheduled to leave at noon. I stopped in the Tabac shop and shopped for those "Feminine" cigarettes some more but instead found some "east German" cigarettes for the boys. Those stashed and a Bounty for me (the German Mounds) I headed out to check the schedule and make sure my train was on time. Sure'nuff it was ( surprised????) I headed out to track no. 19 and to my surprise it was that ICE train! Damn, Now I've ridden every train in Europe except the Thalyss and the Orient Express...but I DID see the Thalyss when I arrived in Brussels, and The Orient Express was in Budapest when I left I've either ridden them or seen them!!!

This ICE train was EVERYTHING it advertised to be...check out the pics!!! NICE, and again leather reclining seats with electrical outlets for the lap top, refreshments, and CLEAN John's!!!! We left Frankfurt 6 minutes late...don't remember the reason, but as soon as we pulled out I plugged in the laptop to play some serious solataire. Now and then I would see some scenery flashing by the window and think "I need a picture of that"...but if I have it, I'll show you my success in getting the pictures I wanted. Seems like everytime I'd get the camera out, turned on, focused, and aimed...we'd either be in a tunnel or behind trees. I finally gave up on getting any pictures and just decided to enjoy what I could see and play my game.

I was Still amazed by the Frankfurt am Main Station....they have over 1000 trains daily on over 20 tracks. It was just amazing. I tried to get a couple of pics of the station itself on the inside and of the departure board just as MY train flashed up. Hope they come out so I can publish them for you.

Anyway, we arrived in Brussels slightly behind schedule..only because we left late, and because we had to wait a couple of minutes for a train going the other direction. It was evident when we arrived to Belgium...the towns took on a completely different look than the villages in Germany. Again I tried to capture the look but was thwarted by tunnels or trees.

I did manage to get a couple of pics as we pulled into Brussels, then into the main station in Brussels. I gathered my stuff and headed for the taxis...where EVER they were. I walked and walked, turned around and walked the other way and FINALLY found a taxi. I asked how much this time, he said 10 euro to my hotel, so off I went. I tell you what, my first impression of Brussels was NOT good. Outside the train station..well inside too...were SO many blacks, middle eastern's, and "bats" (in robes, face covered). The taxi headed toward my hotel and boy was I was in the Algerian sectin of town I guess...all black, and the Algerian support agency across the street.

I decided right then I'd had enough of Brussels. I went to the lobby (that's the only place to get internet conection) and checked email, then back to the room. Then I thought what the hell, I walked outside and up and down the street a couple of blocks...didn't change my preception much. But then I noticed they had a courtesy van to the Grand Place that left at 6pm, with pickups at 9, 10, and 11 to bring you back. I thought that was a great way to get OUT of this neighborhood...not that I expected downtown to be much better.

Once I got there and they dropped me off it was PACKED with people, and I had NO IDEA where the Grand Place just started walking, taking note of every turn so I could get back to the pick up point. I'd never SEEN so many Asians, Iranians, Iraqies, Indians, Algerians, name it. But that's alright, I kept walking. I finally ran across a little bar, had a beer, and struck up a conversation with the guy next to me...Stephen. He is from Belgium, speaks Dutch (which most do, but a lot of French as well) and english. So I asked where I was, where to go, and where to eat. He told me all three so I took off again. Well the first thing I saw was a Belgian Chocolate shop...well I HAD to have some of that, so I bought ONE piece of chocolate.....0.28Euro...was DELICIOUS!!! Then next door was the Belgian equivelant to gelato...they had white chocolate...UM-UM GOOD!!!!

Well on down the street and finally ran into the Grand Place...OH MY GOD!!! It is BEAUTIFUL. I didn't take the camera, but will certainly get pictures tomorrow. The buildings were just EXQUISITE!!!! (That means beyond compare) The place was packed but I couldn't keep from gawking at all the buildings in the square, and down every side street. Damn...I needed my photographer to capture this in it's finest detail, but alas I am left to do the best I can tomorrow!!!

Well I walked and looked for a couple of hours with every intention of going to a restaurant Stephan had recommended, but never made it. I stopped for another beer at some corner place then finally stopped at the Mc Donald's (can you believe it) and had a hamburger so I wouldn't miss the next hotel pickup.

I finally caught the 10 o'clock pickup back to the hotel and once here stopped at a little store a couple of doors down and got a coke to bring up to the room and report to ya'll.

Plans are tomorrow to take the city tour...not that I really wanted to when I first got here, but now I do...see the highlights, then leave that and take plenty of pictures downtown and visit more of the shops. You just can't believe how GORGEOUS this square is...and tomorrow they are having some sort of I'm sure it will be packed again. But another white chocolate gelato and I won't I want to make that restaurant for some Belgian cusine!!!!

Well connection was much too slow to upload pics...tried but gave up.

Check in later for BEAUTIFUL pics of Brussels!!!!


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