Monday, August 21, 2006

Cradel of Democracy

First day in Athens and the plan was to visit the Acropolis and local sights, with the aid of a "local"!!! Up at 8 am, a little late, but things in Athens operate 'later' than usual. Had a great breakfast, then off to visit the Metro and head out to the Parthanon. While London's underground probably holds the record for most efficient, Athen's answer is by far the most beautiful.

Our first stop was at the local Eurorail station to make sure I had tickets to Thessolonaki. My 'interperator' straightened everything out and sure 'nuff I had tickes on the 1323 train for Saturday...and all at NO CHARGE...1st class.

We took the Metro to the Acropolis station and started our hike to the top of the 'hill'. I found it all very interesting and every bit as beautiful as advertised. Still amazes me how they got all those stones up to the top of that hill...however, I DID see a set of rails, much like a mine train. Reckon that's what they used???

Well we did every nook and cranny of the acropolis, then headed down to the streets of Athens. We went through the small streets littered with Gypsies selling their wares, and down streets with all the normal tourist goodies. I managed to escape most, but did stop at a couple.

After a lot of walking and a lot of looking, we found a street restaurant with ice cold beer...hard to turn down. We stopped for one beer then off to the Parliment to see the changing of the guards. Of course I had to have my picture taken with one of them and we waited for the actual change. It was a little marred with the "French" tourist that insisted on upsetting the guards. They were reprimanded MORE than once...then there was the asian tourists that insisted on jumping in front of anyone taking pictures.

Anyway, after an impressive ceremony, I went to the OIC and told him I really enjoyed the ceremony.

From there it was down the main street...walking of course...and looking for DSL for John so he would be able to work while in Athens. Then we headed out to the nearest Metro station to head back home...KNOWING dinner was waiting when we got there.

We made it to some 'Albanian' section of Athens where John's dad picked us up and took us back home. There we had a great Greek lunch....greek meatballs, tsaziki sauce, fries, and all the dressings. Then time to check email, check out the 'shut down' blog, and take a short nap.

After nap time...cause you KNOW Athens runs on a much later clock...we headed out to the seaside restaurants for appetizers and drinks. We had Sardines, Octopus, and a couple of other seafood dishes. Was just the right touch while overlooking the Mediterranian and sipping a cold beer.

After that, it was back to the house and get a good nights sleep before starting out on Day 2 in Athens.


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