Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Monday2 in Athens

  Today it was time to catch a bus (#54) to downtown Athens and do some looking around and shopping.  First stop was Hondo's, which is a huge department store, kinda like Macy's in NYC.  Was 9 floors of shopping, coffee shop, book stores, etc.  Of course it seemed like the prices were more in line with Nieman Marcus in Dallas, but still enjoyed looking.

   Also got a view of the Acropolis through the maze of TV antennas on top of the buildings.  Didn't buy a thing at Hondo's, so caught another bus and headed out for another section...around the government buildings...Parliment Building to be more exact.  While in that area we went to a large book store to get a better Greek/English book.  This one is a dictionary...but still doesn't tell you how to pronounce the words in Greek...Oh well, think the next time I take a trip abroad I'm going to take one of the language courses...see if that helps.

   After our trip downtown we stopped at "Goody's" to have and "American Hamburger"...well it was close, but nothing to compare to Whattaburger.

  We headed back home and shortly after we arrived John's parents arrived and we headed out to the "Home Depot" of Athens.   Wanted to pick up some paint to repaint a couple of walls, some picture frames, s-hooks, and other minor odds and ends.   From there it was to another similar store...but the stuff for bathrooms and kitchens really caught my attention.  I didn't have the camera with me or would show you, but some really great looking bathrooms...nice tile, different equipment, etc.  There was one glass wall with water circulating inside that I would have taken home if I'd had a way.

  Got home finally...a cold beer, and a little spanokopita for night time snack and that took care of Monday.  Stay tuned for the transformation of the "Blue" walls tomorrow.

   Oh, and lest I forget "Smart Car" sightings on the walk to the bus...there were MORE but only paused for these.


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