Monday, August 21, 2006

At sea

Last morning in Venice, we were out fairly late last night...lots of good pics, as soon as we find the connection to get them published for you, and of course whenever the blog is turned back on.

Down for breakfast this morning...the usual with toast and coffee. Then went to the internet cafe a couple of doors down to check on the blog, catch up on email, and get ready to head for Athens. Headed back to the hotel and got all the bags together and got checked out of the room (?) and one last time verified the correct water taxi to take to Piazza de Roma to catch the boat to Patras...Number 52, 'take you right to the pier'!!!

So off we go down the narrow streets of Venice, stopping a couple of times for those last minute things and shops we'd seen earlier, then off to the Grand Canal for our Water Bus. There was one 'bus stop' right where we came out of the narrow street, but didn't see No. 52 stopped a young guy in a blue shirt with "Von Dutch" jeans on to inquire about the location of the stop for No. 52. He deferred to a local (but remember this guy)

We looked a bit further, and just as we expected, the bus stop WE needed was just across the bridge...luggage UP and DOWN the steps, but there we were at the stop for water bus 52 with 3 stop service to Piazza de Roma.

Once at our destination, directions were not very clear as to exactly we were to board the ferry for Patras. We walked off the boat, down the pier, and across the street. Finally I just had the feeling we should be going the other way so I approached a Taxi driver to ask directions to Minoan Lines. No english...went to the english - or Greek!! ;-) But the first driver felt for us and came back to me to try to explain where we needed to go and ask if we needed a taxi..."No way, just to the boat!!" He finally drew me a picture of a stop light, two fingers, and pointed us in the right off we went. Well hell, didn't know is was going to be a two mile hike most of which was walking in the street because there were no walks, but finally we made it to "Minoan Lines" check in.

Once checked in she said out the door and to the right...a long ways to the right!! In line with the cars and trucks. Finally we found a pedestrian ramp and on the boat we went...along with 819 cars and trucks and about 1000 other people. We finally spotted a small table with chairs on the 'bar deck' and took squatters rights there. Most every table was full and we were worn out from the walk, so immediately took advantage of the convenience of the deck bar and had a hot dog and cold beer. Then we sat at our table and watched Venice roll by...then the breakers...then a couple of islands...then just blue water. Six hours later we were still watching blue water roll by, two SCREAMING, ill behaved kids, and still in the same seats.

We finally decided out bags would be OK if we went to the restaurant and had dinner...which we did. Wasn't bad but best of all was in air conditioned quarters. After dinner, back out to our chosen spot to continue watching the water and the sunset. We were keeping our eyes on some lounge chairs toward the back of the boat..but as time wore on and the crowd on deck with us thinned out we decided THOSE seats would be a bit chilly.

Not being the "seasoned" ferry riders we didn't have mats, sleeping bags, or blow up mattresses with us, just at the table in our plastic chairs. By now it was down to just us two, three people on the other end of the deck with 12" thick blow up mattresses, and some guy laying on the deck. We did the best we could to stretch between two chairs to get some sleep. Now and then laying our head on the table, then back to the other position. Time soon passed...thanks to the two screaming kids being gone and before we knew it we had made our first night at sea!!!!!


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