Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Athens Tuesday2

  Up this morning with projects in mind.  Of course that's what I like to do, transform spaces into places!!!   Not that this space needs much transformation, but just a couple of little things I thought would be fun to do.

   The end walls in the living/kitchen area were 'baby blue'...not a favorite color of mine.  Not that I live here, but...well just looked like it needed an "HGTV" makeover!!!  Here are pictures of the same spaces before and after, really not a lot of change, but just enough to get that "blue" out and a more 'agreeable' gray in.


Also kinda made over the patio area...well made over, new chairs and a couple of plants, but what a difference.


 And...found the perfect table cloth to compliment the kitchen.  So that was the day for me, doing things I like to do...gotta work on that 'sunroom' when I get home.


Saw the UPS truck today!!!   Started to flag him down and see if he spoke english and see what was going on!!!   ;-)

   Was a little "sore" after the painting...couldn't have been that, wasn't that much to paint, but took some imported Aleeve, and all was fine.  Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and early to bed.

   Will report on Wednesdays activities tomorrow!!!!


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