
Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Dodgers!!!!!!

I can't believe it is already Saturday, but it is. I had every intention of taking that walk again first thing this morning but didn't do it. Instead I went down for that LARGE cup of coffee first thing, then back up to check email and my normal morning computer routine. As I said yesterday we still had two tours to take, one was the Brooklyn tour (now I know why the Dodgers left 40 years ago) and then the Night tour that we just got back from.

This is us the memorial to the WTC made on the Brooklyn side of the East river. Originally the field consisted of two long beds of yellow flowers in summer and something else in winter, but of course that has since faded and what remains is the sign. This whole area will become a park within the next few years.

When the Brooklyn portion of the tour ended we stopped at the Fulton Market area (used to be the fish markets) and located the subway so we could stop off in the Chelsea area for lunch. Had been many years since I was on the subway system in New York, but managed to make it to 23rd street.

Here's the proof of arrival at the 23rd st station. After a short walking tour of the area, a stop for lunch and a beer, I spotted a barber shop and had my first haircut in probably 20 years. I said "short", he said OK, after he finished I said "aren't you going to use the comb????". He had a sense of humor too, and replied "Of course, as soon as I get through with the dryer!"

The Barber is the one that pointed out the Old Building housing the Chelsea Hotel on the other side of the street as seen above with me modeling my new haircut!!!....and below right from across the street....of course the Jag was an afterthought, mainly thinking of the design of the building. After this stop it was back to the subway to complete the trip back to Times Square for a brief rest prior to trying to make a special dinner deal we found in Hell's Kitchen then make the Night tour bus.

This is just after exiting the subway at Time Square. The dinner was what they call a "price fix" dinner which (as I understand the term) is everything included for one price. We got appetizer, entree, dessert, and complimentary bottle of wine for $20 each at a small Italian resturant...with a Chech waitress in a Polish neighborhood!!! But it was good!!!!
The last bus for the Night tour left at 8pm and we just made it on time...thus no cameras to document the trip, but wasn't anything we hadn't already seen, just at night with all the lights on. I was nice and a pleasant ride after a filling dinner. Then back for the diet coke and to update the blog.
One good thing we found in lower Manhatten (as recommended by several of the tour operators) was discount theater tickets. Wish I had know about these prior to coming, would NEVER book a show any other way, well almost never...they still didn't have tickets to Jersey Boys, and I'd really like to see that, but did get tickets to the matinee of Hairspray tomorrow afternoon. That will make for a busy last day...laundry, last minute details, show, then ready to leave for the airport at 3am. I think that's a little early, but that's they way Super Shuttle does it....so what the heck.
Stay tuned.................

Friday, July 28, 2006

Why I love NY

Well after being settled in a place for more than a few hours it was GREAT to get up early this morning, stop downstairs for that 1st cup of coffee, then take a nice walk to Central Park, along 59th, then back through Hell's Kitchen along 9th street back to the hotel. It was a great walk and a great way to start the day. Then we did something I rarely do, took the GrayLine tour. Got 4 for $49, so works out to be a little over $12 each and what a great way to see the city and get little known (to me anyway) information. Such things as General Worth (for whom Fort Worth, Tx is named after) is buried in lower Manhatten. And the buildings are still there from which George Washington read the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, the fence where the soldiers took the "Royal Crowns" off to signify the defeat of the British, and that Queen Elizabeth was the first English Royalty to visit there since her Great-Great-Great grandfather was defeated. The Mayor of New York presented her with 39 peppercorns to cover past due rent on one of the buildings there. The first tour was of Downtown...took us through Time Square, through China Town, Little Italy, the garment district, edge of Soho and down to Battery Park...close to the WTC site.

We got off the and took the Staten Island Ferry (Free) which went by (not to) the Statue of Liberty, then turned around and came back. Walked around a bit to see the WTC site, but didn't find it so came on back on the tour through East Village, Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, United Nations, Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, Trump Tower, 5th Avenue, Madison Ave, then back.

Have to use these four tours within 48 hours so after a short break and lunch in a small deli we took the Uptown tour which went through the upper east side, Central Park, Harlem, MOMA, Guggenhiem, CNN, and back. During this trip we got drenched by a late afternoon downpour...but after all the time without rain in Dallas it felt pretty good. When that was finished stopped by the hotel for a shower, out for a Gyro, then went to Time Square for a bit for some shopping and called it a day.

That about did it for a Friday, will update you more tomorrow.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Well I got up this morning...you were on my mi..i..i..nd...oh well, you know the rest. I just HAD to have coffee, so went down to the little deli next door to the "flea bag" hotel...little place called Dunhill Deli......LOVED it, had one cup there, watched the people coming and going, got another cup and came back up to the room (?) and started my crusade to BITCH about this place to THE place that booked us...Hotelconxions...they don't know what they are in for yet.....will keep you posted.....

...well after a long, arduous session with that 'dirty rotten scoundrel' known as www.hotelconexions.com on the other end we FINALLY got back in the Edison. That is the Hotel originally booked. I was told there was no way to get a room there, all that was left was the Wellington on 57th or someplace in Tribeca...the other end of the city. Of course they could always keep us at St James with the other 'worms'!!!

I finally agreed to the Wellington and they said call back after 9 so they could confirm everything....so I called ConAir to get the 1/8" attachment to my clippers to cut my hair. Conair is listed as just across the river in NJ. My attachment will no longer stay on the clippers....well, everything was going fine with the 'phone person' in ARIZONA till she told me it would take 10-14 days. I said from NJ????? Oh well, lost that one...just let my hair grow out...Europe will love that anyway.

...so back to www.hotelconxions.com to confirm the Wellington, seems everything was a go, just didn't have a room for the 29th. I said 'well that's great, what am I supposed to do, just walk the streets with my bags the 29th?'. She graciously replied that I could stay at the St. James! I said "would YOU stay here with the bugs in the bed?" She replied, 'we've had no other complaints'. I said I've got PICTURES and will send them to you...and she told me the only option she had was to get me in the one in Tribeca, that was the ONLY room available.

I told her it was funny that the night before I was told they could work things out with the Edison and she said WHO told you that, I said Anthony....she put me on hold for about 10 minutes, then came back on and said she had me back in the Edison!!! I bitched some more about losing a complete day, not being able to check in till 3, having to check out at 11, messing with bags all day, on and on and finally hung up.

We went back down to the Dunhill, had a short stack of buttemilk pancakes and some more coffee and then toured Times Square again. Then we went back, got our bags and walked to the Edison and finally got checked in.

We took a stroll down 47th to the Hell's Kitchen area...found all kinds of neat little cafes, shops, and stores. We stopped in at "House of Brews" with over 80 brands of beer...had a couple of beers, some onion rings and calamari. Did a little more walking then back to get ready for the theater.

There are SO many Broadway productions right now that I'd LOVE to have gotten tickets to, but didn't know about them when I got tickets to Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Oh well, when I did hear of Jersey Boys the tickets were so high I was glad I settled for what I got. It also worked out that the Imperial Theater where Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was playing was just across the street from the Edison....Imagine that!!!

Well we stood on the street for about 15 minutes waiting for the doors to open..this was around 7 pm and they were still closed so I suggessted we go in the little deli there and have a cup of coffee...and well maybe a dessert as well, which we did. Well it finally occured to me while sitting there looking out the window that where we had been waiting was the back of the theater, so we finished our coffee and walked around the block.....sure 'nuff the doors were open!!!

The play started a little slow, Lucie Arnaz is in it but was by no means the star. The place was packed though and it finally got going and was really very enjoyable. Ut turned out Brian d'Arcy James was the real star of the play!!

Afterwards is was down the street..the streets PACKED with pedestrians at midnight, imagine that, to another little store selling pizza, then back to the Edison!!!

After all it was a day that goes to show that there is nothing that is too good to be true!!!!

Our Hotel View (Day/Night)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Love NY (?)

Well we made the Chicago to NYC leg on the Lakeshore Express. Left Chicago at 8pm last night and got to NY around 6:30. Didn't really get to enjoy the "Lakeshore" namesake of the train we were on because it got dark shortly after we pulled out of the station. Good thing though is that we were in the last car of the train and NEVER heard the train whistle the whole trip. The reclining seats weren't quite as comfortable as the sleeper, but the lack of noise made up for that....lot's of good sleep on the way, just a little sore from the positions!!

We got to Hotel Edison and they didn't have a reservation, so called Hotelconxions and they said the Edison had overbooked. Said they could put us up in St James and if we liked it could stay there. It is a hotel undergoing renovation so we should have an all new room. I said...how do you propose to get us there, we JUST walked to the Edison so they agreed to pay for the cab. Well the first cabbie didn't want to take us because it wasn't far enough away for him...but the next guy did, a guy from Afghanistan that came to America when the Russians came. Very nice and friendly, I just have to turn the receipt in to Hotelconxions.
Well, made it to St. James....kind of a dump, but by now just wanted a room. Showered, changed, and headed out to get something to eat and asked for recommendations at the front desk. They said Comines Italian, so we started down the street but John can hardly walk (new shoes!!!) so we went right across the street to a Jewish desert (as in sweet things) place. We sat on the patio and waited, read the menu, waited, got our water, read the menu, waited, told the water guy I'd have a glass of wine and he said didn't the waiter take that order....I said "well, we haven't even SEEN a waiter yet"!!! We waited a couple more minutes and got up and left.
Went around the corner, not knowing it was Times Square and went to Comines....$28 an entree, so went to Takee Outee next door and had Chinese. I shoulda known when the egg roll came, it looked like a burrito...HUGE...I'm SO FULL!!!!.
Well that ain't all, we decided to go back to the hotel and get some rest...wouldn't you know it, when John looked at the bed there was a worm in it!!!! Can you believe that...well we don't have a choice tonight....John's sleeping on a towel...but this night is free for sure. I made John take a picture of it with the hotel keys next to the worm!!!! I have every intention of getting the whole five days free before I'm through with Hotelconexions!!!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

OMG-1, OMG-2, OMG-3

OMG-1, OMG-2, OMG-3
Well Monday finally made it, the day the trip begins, and the day after taking Lil Girl to 'mama Karen's'. I have to admit that was a little more trumatic than I expected. I realized she had really brightened up the house, but just not how much. Upon returning home there was NO greeting I normally get after being away for any length of time...the little yipping barks to let me know she's excited I am home and the RUNNING through the house, sliding on the wood floors, and jumping on every chair and couch in view to show me how excited she is I'm there. Girlfriend (the cat) also missed her very much. She kept going to the door expecting her to come in, I think she wanted to be chased to...but no Lil Girl.
Then this morning was the first to get the paper alone, no Lil Girl to 'trot' to the front door to go out with me while Girlfriend sits patiently at the door waiting for both of us to come back in. I printed off the last minute check list and started shutting things down to be ready to leave when Joe came by at 2:00. All done and ready for the 11:00 Doctor's appointment...thus this rates the OMG-1 rating.

OMG-2...things went great at the Dr's office, told him I was making the trip and wondered if he suggessted any shots. He said I should probably have a Hepatitis and Tetanus booster, so told his nurse to give them to me. She came in and said one in each arm. I asked if I'd have any after effects and she said maybe a little feaverish after the Tetanus...in the right arm. Well....let me tell you, by the time I got to the station I felt like if anyone touched EITHER arm they would shatter and fall off!!! I was SO sore I could hardly lean up against a post. OMG-2!!!!

Well we got to the station early, as planned and upgraded the Dallas-Chicago segment to the sleeper. The New York segment was already sold out, so just took the one. The train came in about an hour late, but alas it did come in and we proceeded to our 'roomette'. A SPACIOUS 3 ft by 4ft room!!! ;-) For some reason I got turned around because I was sitting backwards and wondered how long the engine was going to push us! I finally got orientated though and was right with the world again. Had dinner in the dining car with theh little lady from Bloomington, Indiana and some other guy I called Hector. Not bad at all...chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes followed by chocolate cake. When we got back to the room the porter had the beds made and ready to call it a night.
The ONE thing I don't understand...they put the sleeper car RIGHT behind the engine. You could hear that horn honking ALL NIGHT long, and of course the swaying back and forth and on the top level...enough to throw you outta bed!!! Still got some sleep though, even though I was SO sore. Woke up long enough to see a lady in Little Rock miss the train....she was standing there holding her bags as the train pulled out. The location of the sleeper car got this the OmG-3 rating!!!!!
Stay tuned for Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Texas Eagle

undefined Tuesday evening, second day of the journey. Had breakfast this morning with a retired couple from Canyon Lake, Texas. Had the scrambeled eggs...were mixed with gravy, sausage, and potatoes. Not the way I would have ordered them, but not bad. Also had coffee...the coffee had a strangely familiar taste to it that I couldn't quite put my finger on, but after careful consideration...it reminded me of the time I burned (or scorched) the toffee at Christmas time. Ken said he perferred it that way, but you could definitely tell it had been a little overcooked. Well the coffee had that same taste to it, actualy pretty good.

Then it was back to the room to watch the countryside roll by, nap off and on, and wait for lunch call. I already knew wat was on the lunch menu and had my mind made up to order the Angus Burger...which I did, and it was really good. We did manage to get a couple of pictures in the "Stateroom" for Joe...hopefully I will be able to publish then when I upload this.

We got into Chicago about an hour late, was hit up by my first guy needing $11 for him and his girlfriend to get back to Indiana...told him I didn't have it. We stored our bags and took the Adams Street (Imagine that Joe.....) exit and walked down the river for a ways, then back to Union station to await boarding of the Lakeshore Express. This time we didn't have the sleeper, just the general population car, and yes...it was the last car on the train. You couldn't hear that horn at all! I think I had mentioned one of the side effects of my medication was vivid dreams...well John gave me the shuffel IPOD to listen to....DAMN, just provided musical background to those dreams. I wish I could remember them to pass along, but just like the night they are gone too!!!

Stay tuned for New York!!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Down to one day

Okay, down to one day now and things really have to fall into place to get things on the road Monday. Lil Girl has most of her thing ready for her holiday, got her nails done yesterday and bags packed this morning for her holiday in Hurst. She did get a couple of new outfits as you can see in the pics below, one in case she gets to go out riding or to any outdoor concerts, and another for more formal things and a little more true to her heritage. Most things are set now, mail and paper stops, bills paid, files cleaned, food planned ro run out at just the right time, and last minute check lists ready to be gone over first thing Monday morning. This will be the first morning to go out and get the paper without Lil Girl tagging along and 'Girlfriend' waiting at the door for both of us to come back in. Will have the morning coffee as usual but won't read the paper, save that for the train ride through barren North Texas and Oklahoma, by then it should be dark and will catch a little sleep. The next update should be posts created during the remainder of the train ride but will not be able to publish till we arrive in New York. Sure glad we got to experience the "cold front" in Dallas before we left!!! ;-)
Tell Lil Girl we'll call to say "hi".

New outfit for the 'ride'!!!

"OH, this wait is killing me

Oh OK, so you say we are ready to go!!!! YEAHHHHH

You know I DO have Chinese roots!!! My Geisha outfit

THIS is the dinner I dressed up for????

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

5 days to go......

Well as I sit here with Lil Girl as close to me as she can get, I realize I have only five more days before we get out of this Texas Heat (hopefully) and head for the first leg of our trip. We'll be leaving Monday via Amtrak (imagine that) TO New York City. Will take two days to get there, but I am looking forward to the trip the 'old fashioned' way. I've picked up snacks and stuff for sandwiches to make the trip...not knowing if there is a diner car, or even if there is, just what they will have. Oh well, I always found the UNKNOWN to be the best part of any trip, it may well be what you look back on and say "Damn, I'll never do THAT again", but it might also be what you look back on and say..."That was the MOST fun"!!!!

Anyway, this may be the last you hear prior to the dome car on the "Rocket" outta Dallas, but starting then for sure you will hear plenty from me!!!!!

I have already bored Lil Girl, she got up and left!!! ;-)