Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Dodgers!!!!!!

I can't believe it is already Saturday, but it is. I had every intention of taking that walk again first thing this morning but didn't do it. Instead I went down for that LARGE cup of coffee first thing, then back up to check email and my normal morning computer routine. As I said yesterday we still had two tours to take, one was the Brooklyn tour (now I know why the Dodgers left 40 years ago) and then the Night tour that we just got back from.

This is us the memorial to the WTC made on the Brooklyn side of the East river. Originally the field consisted of two long beds of yellow flowers in summer and something else in winter, but of course that has since faded and what remains is the sign. This whole area will become a park within the next few years.

When the Brooklyn portion of the tour ended we stopped at the Fulton Market area (used to be the fish markets) and located the subway so we could stop off in the Chelsea area for lunch. Had been many years since I was on the subway system in New York, but managed to make it to 23rd street.

Here's the proof of arrival at the 23rd st station. After a short walking tour of the area, a stop for lunch and a beer, I spotted a barber shop and had my first haircut in probably 20 years. I said "short", he said OK, after he finished I said "aren't you going to use the comb????". He had a sense of humor too, and replied "Of course, as soon as I get through with the dryer!"

The Barber is the one that pointed out the Old Building housing the Chelsea Hotel on the other side of the street as seen above with me modeling my new haircut!!!....and below right from across the street....of course the Jag was an afterthought, mainly thinking of the design of the building. After this stop it was back to the subway to complete the trip back to Times Square for a brief rest prior to trying to make a special dinner deal we found in Hell's Kitchen then make the Night tour bus.

This is just after exiting the subway at Time Square. The dinner was what they call a "price fix" dinner which (as I understand the term) is everything included for one price. We got appetizer, entree, dessert, and complimentary bottle of wine for $20 each at a small Italian resturant...with a Chech waitress in a Polish neighborhood!!! But it was good!!!!
The last bus for the Night tour left at 8pm and we just made it on time...thus no cameras to document the trip, but wasn't anything we hadn't already seen, just at night with all the lights on. I was nice and a pleasant ride after a filling dinner. Then back for the diet coke and to update the blog.
One good thing we found in lower Manhatten (as recommended by several of the tour operators) was discount theater tickets. Wish I had know about these prior to coming, would NEVER book a show any other way, well almost never...they still didn't have tickets to Jersey Boys, and I'd really like to see that, but did get tickets to the matinee of Hairspray tomorrow afternoon. That will make for a busy last day...laundry, last minute details, show, then ready to leave for the airport at 3am. I think that's a little early, but that's they way Super Shuttle does what the heck.
Stay tuned.................


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