Wednesday, July 26, 2006

OMG-1, OMG-2, OMG-3

OMG-1, OMG-2, OMG-3
Well Monday finally made it, the day the trip begins, and the day after taking Lil Girl to 'mama Karen's'. I have to admit that was a little more trumatic than I expected. I realized she had really brightened up the house, but just not how much. Upon returning home there was NO greeting I normally get after being away for any length of time...the little yipping barks to let me know she's excited I am home and the RUNNING through the house, sliding on the wood floors, and jumping on every chair and couch in view to show me how excited she is I'm there. Girlfriend (the cat) also missed her very much. She kept going to the door expecting her to come in, I think she wanted to be chased to...but no Lil Girl.
Then this morning was the first to get the paper alone, no Lil Girl to 'trot' to the front door to go out with me while Girlfriend sits patiently at the door waiting for both of us to come back in. I printed off the last minute check list and started shutting things down to be ready to leave when Joe came by at 2:00. All done and ready for the 11:00 Doctor's appointment...thus this rates the OMG-1 rating.

OMG-2...things went great at the Dr's office, told him I was making the trip and wondered if he suggessted any shots. He said I should probably have a Hepatitis and Tetanus booster, so told his nurse to give them to me. She came in and said one in each arm. I asked if I'd have any after effects and she said maybe a little feaverish after the the right arm. Well....let me tell you, by the time I got to the station I felt like if anyone touched EITHER arm they would shatter and fall off!!! I was SO sore I could hardly lean up against a post. OMG-2!!!!

Well we got to the station early, as planned and upgraded the Dallas-Chicago segment to the sleeper. The New York segment was already sold out, so just took the one. The train came in about an hour late, but alas it did come in and we proceeded to our 'roomette'. A SPACIOUS 3 ft by 4ft room!!! ;-) For some reason I got turned around because I was sitting backwards and wondered how long the engine was going to push us! I finally got orientated though and was right with the world again. Had dinner in the dining car with theh little lady from Bloomington, Indiana and some other guy I called Hector. Not bad at all...chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes followed by chocolate cake. When we got back to the room the porter had the beds made and ready to call it a night.
The ONE thing I don't understand...they put the sleeper car RIGHT behind the engine. You could hear that horn honking ALL NIGHT long, and of course the swaying back and forth and on the top level...enough to throw you outta bed!!! Still got some sleep though, even though I was SO sore. Woke up long enough to see a lady in Little Rock miss the train....she was standing there holding her bags as the train pulled out. The location of the sleeper car got this the OmG-3 rating!!!!!
Stay tuned for Tuesday.


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