Thursday, August 03, 2006

Um-um-mmm, up to another great English breakfast with brown eggs, hot toast, and good coffee. After getting off to a good start we headed to Paddington station to purchase our daily Underground tickets. I tell you what, someone in Dallas could take a few lessons on how to build a mass transit system from the City of London. Their Undergound is easily understood, clean, fast, and can get you anywhere in the city. And when they say 'underground', they mean WAY underground. A couple of the stations we went to today must have been at least 8 stories underground, but everything flows smooth.

Our first stop for the day was St Pauls to visit St Pauls Cathedral. Didn't receive Mark's comments concerning St Pauls and the climb to the top prior to going, but have to say you were absolutly right is SOME climb to the top of this place. Feel sorry for those altar boys that have to work the dome!!! Not only a lengthy climb, but once there was cold and windy, and of course I'm not a big fan of heights, but at least there was a railing to hold on to. Got a great view of the city, but in reality the great beauty of St Paul's lies inside and's a beautiful building.

I really liked and appreciated the memorial to the Americans lost in WWII defending London, it was a very nice touch in the middle of London and of course something the Americans don't get much of anymore...respect. But with "W" in there it will be a long time before that changes. Yesterday's Metro newspaper pictured him stumbling off Air Force One and talked about his bumbling ways.

Anyway, after leaving St. Pauls we stopped in a little French resturant called Apostrophe and split a sandwich and an oatmeal cookie, along with a commerative (World Cup) Diet Coke. Was very tasty and they spoke english!! ;-)

Then it was back on the underground to Westminister Station to catch the River Cruise down the River Thames. We boarded at Westminister Bridge and viewed the sights along the river including London Tower, The Tower Bridge, London Bridge, and the Mayflower House. That is where the Mayflower set sail from to Plymouth in 1620, the weather vane on top of the house has a replica of the Mayflower atop it. We also saw the birthplace of Thomas Jefferson on the other side of the River.

The cruise was a little chilly for one in shorts and short sleeves. You can see by the pictures everyone else had on jackets and sweat shirts....NOT ME!!! We cruised on in to Greenwich, and being an ex Air Traffic Controller you'd think that name would have rung a bell with me..but nope, not a clue till the guide reminded me. Greenwich is where the world time standard is set. The observatory there sets the time for ALL 'ships at sea' (which includes airplanes) and also marks the division of the eastern and western hemispheres. So we stood with one foot in the east and one in the west.

When we got off the boat we strolled up the little streets of Greenwich past the Cutty Sark...the boat that brought ALL the good Scotch from Austrailia. Of course it is now drydocked and sitting in Greenwich. Here you can see the observatory where the world time is's in the background with the ball on top. We then stumbled upon a market, kinda like a flea market back home, that had lots of old American hand tools, English coins and toys, and Russian crafts. Was very interesting. We walked past the Royal Navy Academy and round the corner to the DLR station to catch a train back into London.

We went all the way to Chars Station where we transferred to the Bakerloo Line to go back to Paddington. It was at Chars Station we ran into our old friend Jack Everett took a picture to send along. Tell Helen we said "Hi" too!!!!

Once back at Paddington we were only a few steps from the Hotel (one with running water and 'ensuite' toilet!!!) where we planned a short rest, then one more trip to the corner pub for Fish'n Chips. Then in the morning it's all abord the Eurostar and under the chunnel for Gay Paree!!!! Parle vou Francias???

Stay in touch to see how long my feet last!!!!!


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