Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back at the "Palace"

Wow, what a day. We started off the day with the free hotel breakfast. Just had to include this for Robert's benefit...brown eggs were the highlight of the day!!!!

Main agenda on today's "to do" list was finding the Rail Europe office so John could get his 'inter rail' ticket for European's, well turns out he qualified for a Eurail Pass just like mine since he had been in the states, so we both lost that discount....because they weren't purchased at the same time. Oh well, can't cry over spilled they say. At least we did get the discounted tickets on Eurostar to Paris and reservations.

We had planned to get a two day pass on the Underground this morning and use that as our main transportation the next two days, but when we got to Paddington station to pick them up we were informed they don't to "two day passes" anymore, so bought a one day pass. We went back to Piccadilly (that's where Rail Europe is) and from there took off walking again. We took a few pictures at Piccadilly Circus...London's Times Square...then took off walking down Haymarket to Trafalgar Square. While there got a few shots (pictures) and visited the National Gallery. Then we headed on down Whitehall and stopped at the Horse Guard Parade grounds, past No 1 Downing St, Churchill statue, and Big Ben.

Then on across the River Thames vie Westminister Bridge for pictures of Parliment and by County Hall and Jubilee Gardens where the Millennium wheel are. We stopped in McDonald's (the busiest resturant in town) and shared a chicken sandwich 'meal deal'!!! ;-) Then we crossed back over the River Thames via the Hungerford Bridge right by a theater where "Dancin in the Streets" opened today. Boy would I like to see that...Motown music!!! We also passed Scotland Yard, The Metropole, and back by Trafalger Square again on our way down "The Mall" to Buckingham Palace.

While there was not an "official" changing of the guard today, we did watch the guards change. We 'of course' took some pictures there and then headed to St James Park to catch the underground back to Paddington. Once at Paddington....right there BIGGER'N life was a picture of Jack Everett!! We should have gotten a picture, but didn't....maybe tomorrow.

They were selling tickets to the Gray Line tours so that was our original plan for tomorrow. However when we got back to the hotel I looked at the map and hell, we had already seen most everything on the tours in the last two days. All that's left is St Paul's Cathedral, Westminister Abby, and the river boat cruise down the River Thames...Oh yeah, and that stop at Abby Road to retrace the Beatles footsteps!!! So we have decided to do that on our own via the underground tomorrow.

After a short rest we met friends for dinner. Met at the Marble Arch then had dinner at a resturant called "Ask". Was very nice. We were talking about the gas price comparisons and one of the guys was telling me he drives a Peugeot and it cost him $80 to fill it up, so guess we still don't have it SO bad in the US. After dinner we stopped for a couple of drinks then we walked back to the hotel. Probably got in a good 5 mile walk today if not more.

I am just really amazed at how CLEAN London is. They have sweepers cleaning the sidewalks and somehow the streets say very clean as well. Another great diversion, especially being from Texas and noticing the temp in Garland today was 102, is the WONDERFUL cool days and nights we are having here. We just got in and it's 58F this evening, don't think it got out of the 60's this afternoon, and a little light mist this evening. And just HAD to throw in this picture of an OLD FASHIONED Merry GO Round!!!!!

Well that bout does it for Wednesday in to soak my feet and crawl in the warm bed and be ready to face tomorrow!!! Stay tuned....... oh yeah, and this one cause you know how prejudiced I am!!! ;-)


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