Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Like a Virgin....

Well to update you on Sunday, was a day of preparation and saying 'goodbye' to the Big Apple. We walked to 5th Avenue on our way to a Japanese book store which was closed. But it was right next to Rockefeller Center, so visited there while hunting down a Gyro vender we saw the night before from the "Night Tour"...oh yeah, and the night tour was nothing more than another trip to Brooklyn and listening to some guide talk solid the whole two hours. Anyway, back to the Gyro vendor, when we drove by the corner of 6th and 53 at 10:00 pm people were lined down the whole block to get one of these Gyros!!! So I made a mental note of the location and decided that was lunch for Sunday.

Alas we arrived at 6th and 53rd, but to my surprise there was a street market going on that streched from Broadway to Madison Ave, and lo and behold the FIRST shop on the strip was a Gyro place.....DAMN they were good. I would have had another, but thinking of going to Greece and filling up on Gyro's in Upper Manhatten just didn't seem right, so we walked the length of the market again to see if there was anything we couldn't live without, and there wasn't, so headed back to the hotel to get ready for the matinee.

On the way to the matinee (Hairspray) we stopped at the Hershey store for snacks during the show...you KNOW I had to have my Mild Duds!!! Got to the theater a little early so decided to walk on down to 9th St to locate a laundry for after the show and picked up some trial size items...toothpaste, deoderant, etc. By the time we made it back to the theater the line streched around the corner. It was at the Neil Simon Theater but the show left a little to be desired. I just don't care for musicals that just sing to be singing, I like to recognize the music...which is one reason I really would like to see Jersey Boys.

Hairspray wasn't a TOTAL loss, just glad the tickets were half price, would have hated to pay regular price to see it. After the show we stopped to pick up some things...John found "I Love NY" t-shirts 7 for $10...then went to gather the dirty clothes and off to the laundry. Was really kinda fun, standing out front watching all the people up and down the street while waiting for the clothes to wash and dry.

Then we stopped and picked up a couple of slices of pizza for dinner and back to pack the bags and be ready for our 3am pickup to JFK. Talked to Karen, looks like Lil Girl is causing problems. Probably shoulda made other arrangements but just have to stick it out now...not a lot I can do from here, just hope things get better.

The call came at 2:30 am so threw last minute things in the bag and headed to check out and wait for Super Shuttle. He was right on time and we were at JFK by 4:30...three hours prior to departure. I still don't understand why such a big lead time. We had to carry our bags to check in, then had to carry them to Xray, then go through our screening....shoes off, all that stuff, but right there in the container where I put my things (laptop out of bag and in a separate container) was someone elses Passport that our 'eagle eye' TSA people overlooked. Perfect way for someone else to get passport information, and this is all right in the middle of the tightest security in the world...go figure.

Anyway we boarded at 6:30 and off at 7:30. Really a quick trip, or so it seemed. Could be because I played solitare all the way...well till I got so sleepy I couldn't see the cards, so took about a 30 minue nap and here we were. When I got off the plane of course I had to go through passport check in London, they asked why I was in London and I said "To get away from George Bush"!!! She laughed and said, no really...so I finally told here just as a tourist.

We made it on the Piccadilly Underground and headed to our hotel. Was a quick and we were there pronto, around 8pm London time. We exited the underground station at Piccadilly Circus and our hotel was RIGHT in front of us.

Here is what we saw when we exited the underground.....

....and here is the way it was inside!!!!

....as they say, never judge a book by it's cover. No air conditioning, even though it was nice and cool outside it was HOT as hell inside the Regent Palace Hotel. The windows were limited to opening ONLY 1 inch and no cross ventilation at all, but that wasn't the worst part....NO bathroom or shower in the room....only three on the floor and had to make reservations. If you get up in the middle of the night and have to go to the bathroom you have to dress again...which I did....and I did!!!! Well that was that, mind was made up that that would be our ONLY night there.

We did walk around the area a bit....very busy and very London...small streets and EXPENSIVE. We stopped to have pizza....again...and the guy asked "what could I get you fellas?", John said how bout a Heineken....He said "You're in Italy!!!"...so we said, whatever you have. When he came back he said "Ready to order!!??", and I asked "What do you suggest"...he retorted, "I'll come back when you're ready".....well when he came back we weren't there.

We found a small pub off the main drag, had a beer and asked the bartender about places to stay...he told us of some so we headed back through the theater district (street was packed with people waiting for the cast of "Guys and Dolls"), stopped at an Indian Resturant and ate then called it a night.

Will update you on Tuesday later........


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