Monday, August 07, 2006

Is spriken de station!!!!!

You remember me telling you about Miguel and Lyda (from Lisbon) that were in our compartment on the train....well we made the first stop in Berlin at Spandau and Zoo was next. I knew they had planned to get off there but a couple of hours earlier after we left Munich they went to another compartment that had emptied so they could rest. Well Zoo came and went and they announced our station, so started getting stuff together to exit the train and thought I'd better look around a bit. I found them two compartments down and told them they had just missed their stop...then by the time I got to the exit we had missed OUR went on to the next one.

Actually the next stop was closer to where we are staying but wanted to take care of the reservations at the main station. Oh well, nice way to start the Berlin stay. We managed to contact the management where we are staying after I got help from the German Police to help me dial the phone!!! ;-) Hailed a cab and got here without further incident. They were still cleaning the place from the former tennants, but we left our luggage and went for lunch.

When we came back they (well Mattias) was still cleaning, but he gave us personalized instructions of TV operation, towel warmer, everything in the place. He finally finished and we both took a nap.

By that time most of the day was gone so we took a short stroll down the street...just a couple of blocks by some church notated on the maps, then around a couple more blocks then back.

We were actually looking for a market that was still open, but found none. You can see in the pic that we have a Bosch fridge to keep stuff in. Also notice the polished hardwood floors, wood taken from the boxcars used to carry the prisoners in WWII. Not a burn mark on them.

In Paris it didn't get dark till 10:00. You can imagine that in June it must be light till 11:00 or later, but here its dark by about 9:30. Anyway, no bratwurst or cheese to bring back to enjoy with the beer, so just here having a couple of cashews, a "REAL" Budweiser from Czech, and catching up the blog.
Check out this bathroom. Picture doesn't do it justice, but very nice...notice the towel warmer and heater.

Still have not gotten a pulse on Joe if anyone hears from him. At his weight you never know.
Here's what few pictures we have from today, but you can bet more will be forthcoming tomorrow.

Oh yeah, and Courtney and Amy, got this place from that you went through for Maui that mom told you about, so looks like pretty good deal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am talking to Joe right now. The cat (Girl) loves Joe and is not shy at all. Girl is Thankful that the previous tenant are gone. Joe wants to if you are starting a new career with you return because a lemonade stand arrived today.
ROY R. Baltmore, MD

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh know I did not read my other post before I sent it. But Joe wanted to know if you were going to start a new career because a lemonade stand arrived today in the mail. Any way just love your
pics, looks like you are having a wonderful time. enjoy. Roy R.

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been instructed to post a comment and not use my friends to post. Everything is fine. Your neighbors are great. Love the pool party I hosted. The cat just loves me.

1:14 PM  

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